[b]Collab with [@FateWeaver] and myself.[/b] [color=a0410d][b]Morgan Rouge - Emerald Forest - Tuesday Morning[/b][/color] As he looked around the dense thicket of forest stretching in all directions Morgan reflected on the objectives laid out by Ozpin and Glynda. Land. Find teammates. Grab dust shard. Make it back to the cliff through Grimm. Well, Morgan thought, step one down. All he needed to do next was find someone and make it towards the Northern end of the forest. He narrowed his eyes and focused on the direction of the shadows drawn out by the tree he was perched upon in relation to the sun. The foliage made it a little more difficult to pinpoint than trying to find his bearings at sea, but before long Morgan to pinpoint north based on the shadow’s movement along the ground. An old navigator’s trick. Taking a running leap, Morgan activated his aura for extra balance and flung himself from the branch he’d landed on towards a nearby tree and began leaping from branch to branch towards the northern end of the woods with a practiced ease. Most of the landlubbers would probably start making their way there as well and he stood the best chance of locating other students if he went in the same direction. [color=1a7b30][b]Orlan Price - Air above the Emerald Forest - Tuesday Morning[/b][/color] [i]Bang![/i] Two left. Orlan was getting closer to the ground, and Axios was nearly empty. Endless green rushed passed him as he crashed through branches. With an effort of will, he forces his left arm out ahead of him and focuses his aura. A brief flash of light illuminates the leaves before Aegis springs to life. [i]Bang![/i] Curling behind his shield as he crashes through the thinner branches, Orlan prepares for impact. He had entrusted his well-being to the barrier for more than this in the past, and had faith that he would land uninjured. One more tree loomed ahead, and then a clear space in the forest beyond. Changing the angle that he held his spear, Orlan prepared for one final jolt, and then a rolling tumble. [color=a0410d][b]Morgan Rouge - Leaping through the Emerald Forest - Tuesday Morning[/b][/color] Continuing his forward progress through the Emerald Forest, Morgan leapt from tree to tree keeping his eyes fixed on the ground searching for possible threats. As he landed on a sturdy oak he scanned the woodlands for another sturdy platform, which he found in the form of another oak tree right before a clearing in the woods. He leapt forward already calculating his next trajectory to maintain his momentum. Suffice to say, he wasn’t paying attention to anything flying at rapid speeds from the east until his aura alerted him, nearly too late, of the speeding object. Morgan was already in midair towards the oak and he didn’t have many options in terms of changing his trajectory as he sighted the glowing spear tip and quartz shield flying towards him. Biting back a curse, Morgan spun around and rammed a balled fist into the shimmering shield with an aura-fueled punch. It was like hitting a brick wall, and his muscles strained with the effort, but it had the gratifying effect of throwing Morgan back into the opposite direction and slamming into a barely controlled roll on the ground. Fist smarting, Morgan rolled to his feet and ripped a pistol free from a holster scanning the area for whatever he’d run into. [color=1a7b30][b]Orlan Price - Air above the Emerald Forest - Tuesday Morning[/b][/color] Orlan nearly dropped his spear in his attempt to move it out of the path of the form coming toward him. He had neither time nor leverage to do anything else, except tuck his chin down to his chest and keep his arms close to his sides. When the punch he never saw coming landed, it seemed to stop him dead in the air for an endless moment. That ended with him flying backwards, into the denser foliage he had just escaped. A few branches snapped under his weight on the way down, and then the ground and sky roll over each other as he tumbles sideways along the forest floor. The trunk of the tree he ended up fetching up against was mercifully cushioned by foliage around its base, and Orlan suffered no more than scrapes and bruises. The pain from those faded as his aura took hold and he used the tree to support his attempt to stand. His feet back under him, he lets Aegis’ light fade to preserve his strength. Axios in both hands once more, Orlan turns back in the direction he had originally been heading. Judging from how the space had been clear merely moments before, he could only assume that the object which he struck was another student. This was confirmed when, after a handful of strides, Orlan stepped around a tree and came into view of the one who had supplied the alcohol the previous night. [color=aba000]”I think that counts,”[/color] he states simply as a flintlock pistol and wary eyes line up with his. [color=a0410d][b]Morgan Rouge - Emerald Forest - Tuesday Morning[/b][/color] Morgan narrowed his eyes as the foliage rustled from the direction of the object he’d launched back had landed and he cocked Fortune’s Six in that direction. A tall and dark-blonde student emerged from the underbrush staring pointedly at Morgan’s drawn flintlock before drawing his eyes up to meet Morgan’s. “I think that counts,” the student said. Morgan winked in response and flipped the pisol cutlass back into its holster. Striding forward he clapped the student firmly across the back with his usual friendliness. “Well, Step Two, aren’t you a tough nugget!” Morgan said. “That’s a hell of an entrance, I don't think I saw you joining my party the other night.” He should’ve figured more students were on their way given he wasn’t the last student to get springboarded into the forest, but Morgan hardly expected to collide with a future partner in mid-air. Compared to the newcomer Morgan looked like a walking arsenal with four flintlock pistols and a pair of cutlasses strapped to his body, but just about everyone in this school was some kind of badass, and his new partner certainly looked like he knew how to carry that spear of his. “Let’s walk and talk, we’ve got a mission and a bit of glim to find before the day’s out.” Morgan said. He jerked a thumb towards his breast and a cocky grin spread over his face as he gave a proper introduction and leaped back onto a low-hanging tree branch. “Name’s Morgan, think you can keep up?”