[h3][color=red]Rhys[/color][/h3] The male shook his head at the fatuous spectacle. "[color=red]Clumsy idiot,[/color]" he huffed. En's vivacity and injudiciousness was almost comical. It would be an impossible feat for them to proceed into the human world discreetly, he realized. Any hortatory speech from him would also still prove its futility. The girl seemed almost indefatigable, even. Speaking of fatigue, it seems his had persisted. A frown made its way onto his face as he tried moving his leg muscles. Though it grew a little subtler, it still hindered his will to learn this 'walking'. Per contra to that, Rhys persevered in his attempts. Some pandiculation would assist the blood flow, but that wasn't the time for it, he figured. "[color=lightblue]Hey Rhys.[/color]" In reflex, he turned his head to the source that called his name in response. And again, in reflex, he turned it away as fast after a glimpse, blunting a reply, "[color=red]I certainly do not have such things. You flashing that disgusts me somehow.[/color]" And he scrunched up his nose a little. "[color=red]They're also supposed to be kept hidden, have you no shame?[/color]"