[b][u]Saturday, 10:00 AM[/u][/b] After an exhausting night at work, Amaya crashed hard. There had been a few snags, but otherwise work went smoothly. However, now she was currently at her desk in her dorm room working on an essay due as part of her final in biology. A steaming mug of green tea was perched just to the top right of her sleek silver laptop. Amaya wasn't a big fan of breakfast, despite knowing how important it is, but she was planning on a trip to the gym later which required some energy derived from breakfast. Which is why a mostly eaten bagel sat on a plate to her left. Listening to some instrumental musical to help her focus, the blond tapped away silently in her quiet room. Unfortunately, nothing good ever lasts for long. "AHHHHHH!" A screech filled the dorm room, managing to pierce through the headphones that Amaya had been wearing. She jumped, startled before whipping around to see her room mate, Rachel, leap out of the bed she had been sleeping on to grab her purse at the foot of the bed. "Is it still there, please tell me it's still there." The brunette whined, rummaging through her disorganized purse. "Thank the lord! It's still there?" She sighed. [color=FFF3D5]"Mind sharing with the class what's going on?"[/color]The startled girl giggled. "I had a dream where I spent all my money on a trip to the mall and it was horrible! I didn't even buy cute clothes!" Rachel complained, flopping back onto her bed. "What time is it?" [color=FFF3D5]"10:05"[/color] Amaya replied, turning back to her laptop. She only had 150 more words to go to fulfil the requirement, but something told her that she might end up having more problems staying within the maximum rather than achieving the minimum. The only response her room mate gave was a dejected groan. [color=FFF3D5]"Listen, you can explain to the neighbours what that loud noise was, I'm going to the gym for a bit. Then I have to go shopping for holiday gifts. I'll see you tonight,"[/color] The brown eyed girl gathered her gym clothes, wallet, purse, phone, and laptop just in case she decided to work on her essay in the park or somewhere on campus. After exiting the building she walked to the gym. It wasn't too far away, but then again there were many places Amaya wasn't willing to walk to. She preferred spending her money on other things other than transport. Besides if anything sketchy came up, she was confident she could take care of herself. Once arriving, she checked in through the front desk, flashing her membership ID to the person on duty. [color=FFF3D5]"Is Devin here?"[/color] She asked. "If he's here, he's probably working out around the treadmills. Pretty sure he's getting ready for a marathon or something." The receptionist explained. With a word of gratitude and a wave, Amaya headed into the locker room to change into her clothes. When she came out, she went in search of Devin. She found the Egyptian male right where she'd been informed. [color=FFF3D5]"Hey Devin! Do you mind spotting me?"[/color] The slightly shivering girl asked. The air inside the building was cold because of winter and the fact that no one seemed to be at the gym. "Sure," He huffed, getting off the treadmill. "So how have you been? Found any potential guys since you broke up with that asshole?" Devin asked cheerfully. He was pretty blunt about things, but was so happy all the time that he made it seem like it wasn't all that bad. About four months ago, Amaya had broken up with her abusive boyfriend. It had been pretty bad, but she has pretty much recovered since then. Except for a few scars that are still on her body. [color=FFF3D5]"It's been forever since that happened, I'm fine, and you know it!"[/color] Amaya grinned at her friend. They both stopped at a bench press as the petite girl slid under the bar. [color=FFF3D5]"Also, I haven't found anyone new,"[/color] "Hmm, what a disappointment." The dark skinned male mused. "1, 2, 3." He counted off before lifting up the bar. [color=FFF3D5]"What about you? I heard you're going to be in a marathon?"[/color] Amaya asked. "Yea, there's going to be one in a city close by. You interested?" He asked, his eyes glinting with excitement. [color=FFF3D5]"Naw, I have finals to worry about and after that, I'm crashing for awhile."[/color] The friendly banter went on for awhile, and they switched positions. After an adequate amount of time, they parted ways. Amaya did a bit more exercise before changing back into her normal clothes. She gathered her things and headed towards Shine Junction to do some gift shopping. On her way there, she noticed a packed Mochavine. Apparently everyone and their mothers wanted to get some coffee for the morning. The pale girl simply laughed to herself and continued on her way.