[@KatherinWinter] Made few modifications to be more specific on his things from the PM. Name: William Stukov Age: 12 Power; Technopath Mutation - Has control over technology, From electronic computers to basic mechanical things like a bike, can communicate with it, and can build machines controlling all with his mind and body. His body can also take on different mechanical forms for it is a fusion of machine and organic in such a way it's both the same thing for him. Appearance: [img]http://img-cache.cdn.gaiaonline.com/7a01497a2841588833595b734c26a738/http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j227/la_di_da_wtf/guy/vampire-brokenheartfeathers.jpg[/img] Bio: Kind and sweet boy even with what he went through when he was born/created but likes to sometimes isolate himself. Tends to try and learn anything he can. History: He was experimented on when he was born.. taken to a lab and put into a test tube, his body was remade again and again.. infusing technology and organic into one single creation, his parents who was the ones who did this to him was seeking to make the perfect being. This lead to disaster when the body was 5 and his powers went out of control and destroyed the lab.. but his body was unharmed for what it was while his parents was obliterated. Having been seeking a home for years now for his power been to dangerous for him to call any place home yet without him being able to control it.