Here's my character, let me know if anything's amiss or I need to change/flesh something out. [hider=CS] [b]Name: [/b] Kenji Nakamura [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age: [/b] 18 [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=Kenji][img][/img][/hider] [b]Magic:[/b] Blood [b]Weapon:[/b] [url=]Cross Spear[/url], and a knife similar to the one seen in the appearance picture above. [b]Personality:[/b] Kenji is highly intelligent and analytical, but does nothing without a firm understanding of what the risks are, especially to himself. He's also a staunch believer in honest pay for honest work, though "pay" in many cases may be relative to what he needs at the moment. He's not entirely selfish, and is willing to help people or act altruistically, but he very much values his own life above the lives of others and it shows. He finds himself equally terrified and curious of this new world, and seeks to understand it as much as survive it. Preferably, however, he'd like to do this through study, from behind a very thick set of walls, rather than venture out into the nightmarish landscape. To those first meeting him, Kenji often comes off as cold and aloof, perhaps even arrogant. Any of these things might be an accurate assessment, all told, but in truth Kenji doesn't have much skill in the way of social interaction. He hates small talk, claiming that it's pointless, but in actuality it's probably because he has no idea how to do it. Any time he speaks to someone it's because he has a clear goal; either ask a question and gain information, or present a statement relevant to the situation at hand. He's not opposed in the slightest, however, to working with others--indeed, he'd much rather be in a group, rather than all alone on this dangerous night. Aside from his off putting speech patterns and lack of sociability, perhaps Kenji's biggest flaw comes from his own intelligence. He tries to consider every possible outcome of a situation and minimize risks, often to the point of freezing up and not taking any action at all out of a fear of the unknown. Combined with his quiet nature, it can make him appear slow-witted, and it's a definite danger in this world where the Hunters must put themselves at risk every night... [b]Bio:[/b] A late night at the school, attending to student council business...a long walk home, as a street light flickered. Running footsteps, a girl's voice. Then her face, which would have been cute if not for the twisted smile and the insanity in her eyes. A knife digging into his stomach. White walls, the smell of sterile plastic and rubber. A constant beeping sound he wished would stop, many voices over him. A blood red fog, a cloud that thickened and darkened. Another girl, though this one's face was kind. Then blackness. Then two bright blue moons, and a world of nightmares. [b]Other: [/b] Surprisingly fit for such a nerdy sort.[/hider]