[center][h3][u]Talija[/u][/h3] [b]~| Day 2, 13:29 - 13:39 |~ ~| Aboard the Kaggath, Prison Complex |~[/b][/center] [i]What was she doing here?[/i] It was a question she had asked herself since her capture— when the Sith Troopers had bursted through the walls of her transport vessel and tested her mettle… so to speak. She didn’t have many answers for the question, even for herself; answers she wish she had. She wished that she had done more for the passengers that weren’t worthy enough to be pet prisoners like she had been— she wish she had been [i]stronger[/i], [i]faster[/i], [i]smarter[/i]. But she had let them get hold of her and bind her with Imperial chains. How many had fallen to Sith saber and blaster pointlessly so? What kind of religion would slaughter innocents upon a civilian vessel? “Balmorra, if my memory is correct… though it’s a bit hard to think clearly after that Sith Trooper hit me in the back of the head.” She admitted, moving her right hand against the spot where the blaster rifle had made impact with her skull. It still hurt… though it was more of a dulling pain instead of an intense one. Though it didn’t bother her much; she had been through far more body-breaking experiences and even training when she was younger and a padawan of Laureli Xchal. The mental strain of being captured had probably affected her in making her ‘weaker’ or maybe it was that she had been still recovering from her injuries at the hands of the Sith on the transport. It was the only logical conclusions she could make. “I suppose me being here is like any other Jedi.” She thought back to the transport she had been on for a moment, thinking to answer his question directly and simply. “I was on a transport, the Enteliis— the Sith decided they liked how it looked, I guess.” She looked down for a brief moment before returning to look at him. She wasn’t happy of her weakness; though she imagined Xid felt quite similar himself given his injuries at the hands of the Sith. Talija looked at his wounds, but kept her calmed and exhausted expression. She couldn’t imagine she would get much sleep on the Kaggath in the coming days. But at least she had a familiar face to put a name to and one she considered a friend as well. “You look like you’ve been through hell, Xid. I saw the fight with the Trandoshan.”