"Ah, pardon me, miss," Murmured a voice to Nori's right, causing her to pause and look up at the stranger. [i]'Geez, he's tall,'[/i] the blonde thought, the corners of her mouth twitching up into a smile. The gentleman was incredibly good-looking, with glossy silver hair and mischievous brown eyes. He actually reminded her a lot of a particularly stubborn white fox that had always tried to find a way into their family's chicken coop during her childhood. She instantly liked him. "No worries, fox," Nori grinned before turning back to the notice board and sticking another piece of tape to her flyer. "Excuse me," a different, noticeably more accented voice came from her left. "Miss, may I uh-... um... (oh crap...)," Nori turned to regard the man curiously just as he muttered something garbled sounding under his breath. This stranger towered over the florist as well, standing almost a foot taller than her. "Hi, I'm Kyle Parker, could I interest you in some breakfast?" the brunette asked in a soft American drawl, his hands twitching slightly as he looked down at her with kind blue eyes. His face was slightly flushed and he seemed nervous as hell, which Nori thought was just about the cutest thing she'd seen all week. "I'm Nori," The golden eyed girl told him before admitting in a teasing voice, "and I already had breakfast. Plus, it's kind of packed in here, don't you think?" she asked conversationally, a slow grin spreading across her face as she finished adhering her poster to the board and stuffed the roll of tape into her purse. "But I was hoping to put a few more of these up at the arcade," Nori paused here to wave the last couple of flyers, before resuming with, "...and I could go for some of their nachos right now, seeing as how it's almost lunch time. I wouldn't be opposed to some company," the blonde confessed, stepping a little closer to Kyle as someone made their way around them. "So Kyle Parker, did you want to go get some nachos with me?" [@MyCatGinger] [@BeastofDestiny]