[center] [img]http://40.media.tumblr.com/7dd663b5d677b2855d45d7f013b6b6b1/tumblr_inline_nuuy59Amc01tvvmvz_100.png[/img] [h2][color=f6989d]Kaori Tatsumia[/color][/h2] [@Oz] [hr] Looking back, she turned her spring green eyes on the voice that call after her. Looking up at him, she was completely oblivious to the glances that had been generously given to her. If she had noticed them though, she probably would of gotten pretty flustered. Kaori wasn't really used to appreciative gazes. Pushing a strand of short red hair behind her ear, she looked up at the boy in confusion. Had she dropped something? Oh, maybe she had bumped into him without even noticing it when she had been running! Her face, still a soft cherry color from her hasty run, turned a rosier color. But before the apology was even past her lips, his words caught her by surprise. This guy was around her age, it looked like. He reminded her of a fox, or predatory cat, or any wild beastie with a come hither smile like that and peering at her from behind a curtain of long ruffled hair. Only a bit taller than her, yet very unique, from the air about him. In fact he sort of looked like one of those 'wild type' model boy her friend often showed her in those idol magazines she read. But... why did he want to buy [i]her[/i] a coffee? This... Was this like those things her friends told her about?! [i]'G-Getting picked up'?Ah...n-no way, he's just concerned, that's all,[/i] Kaori smiled up at his kind eyes as her thoughts flurried and settled, like the snow they should be expecting later this week. That mischievous grin held her in place, but she couldn't help but give him a warm smile. [color=f6989d]"W-Well, I was heading to work,"[/color] her voice was gentle, warm and held a small glow to it, almost like she was wistful, [color=f6989d]"Oh! I'm Kaori! Tatsumia Kaori. It's a pleasure to meet you as well."[/color] Tilting her red head just a bit as she smiled, a shiver passed through her. Now that she had stopped running, he body was starting to cool down and she hadn't exactly remembered to grab a jacket on her way out of the house.. Looking into the very busy cafe she gave a small laugh. "I'm [color=f6989d]not sure there would be enough time with a wait like that,"[/color] those words were softly spoken, almost a bit unsure, but she just turned her sunny smile right back onto him. [color=f6989d]"Thank you very much though!"[/color], her red hair was brushed up by the wind, [color=f6989d]"It's very kind of you to be so concerned." [/color][/center]