[quote=@Dynamo Frokane] [color=00aeef][i]Hey you know Shizuka, it means a lot that you still listen to my radio, its what I want people to remember me by even if they cant keep in contact....but umm you still have the same number right? No reason we cant go for a drink sometime, I'd want to stay in contact with you. Also we could have a game of Wizadry! I'm not as good as I was in high school but I think ive got the skills to take on a metal deck...I'll call you this weekend?[/i][/color] [/quote] [color=a187be]"Umm, yes...I think that would be...good,"[/color] Shizuka agreed, it felt less awkward knowing they shared a hobby. At school she was known to be studious and serious, and being in the medical field, people usually kept to themselves or were too focused on their classes. It felt good to have a friend she could relax with instead of just study with. [quote=@MyCatGinger] Shou's eyes widened in surprise at the manner in which Shizuka began to panic, and he held up his hands to reassure her that everything was fine, and he wouldn't have had her head if she hadn't marked the papers (he'd have done it himself anyway worst case scenario). [/quote] Shizuka breathed a sigh of relief, she should have known better; Dr. Matsuoka wasn't the kind of person who would judge someone for their hobbies. Then a bubbly girl dressed in pink princess-looking clothes drew Dr. Matsuoka's attention away, which was surprising for two reasons. The first being that Dr. Matsuoka was a biology teacher, and probably not the best suited for questions about essay-writing, and the second being that the girl's behavior seemed rather suspicious. [quote=@Dynamo Frokane] Nick decided it was time to head home, as he wasn't going to flirt with Shizuka in front of his ex teacher, he pulled out some lemon flavored bubblegum and began to to snap and pop away as he got up to leave. [color=00aeef][i]Later guys, Shiz, I'll call you you soon okay?[/i][/color] [/quote] [color=a187be]"That would be wonderful, Nick,"[/color] Shizuka said, giving him a soft smile. [quote=@MyCatGinger] "Shizuka, I-" he turned back to the girl and upon expecting to find Nick still there, found the seat beside her absolutely empty. Romeo had gone to inspect this new girl's hand, sitting at her feet and being quite large compared to her petite frame. His tail thumped quietly against the ground. He gazed right at Shizuka, who still seemed stiff and nervous in her chair, and after a moment of hesitation he leaned in closer. His voice in a soft, husky whisper now, he could have almost kissed her, but that did not seem to be his intention. Incongruous with his voice, his facial features actually remained...worried? "It's very late, Miss Otonashi. I would be gutted if I were to let anything happen to one of my students, this late. Would you allow me to walk you home, at the very least?" [/quote] [color=a187be]"Y-yes, that would be greatly appreciated,"[/color] Shizuka replied, while tidying her deck and placing it back in its holder. They walked back, Shizuka attempting to make small talk concerning the class she TA'd for, but as they arrived at her dorm building, she said, [color=a187be]"I know this may not seem like a big deal, but th-thank you for not judging me."[/color] [hr][b](TIME SKIP)[/b] Shizuka woke up early and prepared breakfast for herself and her roommate. She made something that could easily be reheated as her roommate was konked out in bed after having partied too hard the previous night; something that Shizuka had become used to after a semester of this behavior. In a way, Shizuka thought it was admirable; giving 150%, trying to succeed in one's classes while still enjoying life to the fullest off-campus. It was a speed that Shizuka knew she couldn't keep up with herself, preferring to focus on her long-term priorities, while deferring her passions. Well, she'd make a small exception for Wizardry. [quote=@Dynamo Frokane] Nick picked up his ePhone and texted [b]Shizuka[/b]. [color=00aeef][i]Hey Shiz, dont think I forgot about you, can we meetup later on today? Are you free? [/i][/color] Nick's left hand was fidgeting with his sleeve nervously. [/quote] Shizuka texted back, [color=a187be]"I work at the Shining Kettle for the morning/lunch shift. Will be free after 2PM. Did you have a place in mind?"[/color] Shizuka finished her breakfast. of course, they could just sit down somewhere and play Wizardry together, but if Nick wanted to do something else, she wouldn't mind. At the Shining Kettle, business was slow as usual, the Mochavine was a much more popular location and drew a lot more customers. It made sense, they had a very pretty waitress, while the Shining Kettle just had Shizuka. A middle-aged woman came running in, but before Shizuka could give the usual greeting, the woman asked frantically, "Please, has anyone seen a small boy?" [color=a187be]"What's the matter?"[/color] Shizuka asked, concerned. "I was talking with my friend, but her son wandered off. We were in the park, but I was afraid he might have wandered over here to Shine Junction," The woman explained. Shizuka looked back at her manager, who was also the barista. He simply gave her a nod and waved her on her way. Shizuka nodded back and said, [color=a187be]"I'll help you look for him."[/color] "It's most likely he's still in the park somewhere, I'll keep searching out here, you go into the park and look for him," the woman said, giving Shizuka a short description of what the child and the mother looked like. She also explained that the mom was still in the park looking for her child. Shizuka ran towards the park, very quickly finding the worried mother, reassuring her and letting her know that she was here to help. They retraced the mother's steps back to where she and her friend were talking. At that spot, they saw the child walking towards them with a man, who was most likely helping the child find his mother and was probably led here after coaxing some clues out of the child. [@Daxam]