[hr][hr][h1][b][i][color=6ecff6][center]Updates[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1] [b][color=6ecff6]Season:[/color][/b] Late Fall/Early Winter [b][color=6ecff6]Time Of Day:[/color][/b] Dusk has fallen [b][color=6ecff6]Weather:[/color][/b] The weather is still muggy and the clouds still roll through the sky, the temperature is dropping some now that the sun has fallen behind the horizon. [b][color=6ecff6]General Ambiance:[/color][/b] Tense throughout the town but people are winding down and starting to find their way back in doors for the night. Within the Tavern it is all peaches and cream. [b][color=6ecff6]Location:[/color][/b] Hamlet of Salarn in the region of Gorlf just south of the Orc Settlement of Yzewz [b][color=6ecff6]Setting:[/color][/b] Salarn Currently [hr][hr][h3][b][i][color=6ecff6][center]GM Controlled NPC Interactions[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [center]~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~[/center] New arrivals to the tavern with faces he had never seen before always made Femnal smile, not that the man didn’t constantly wear one plastered on his features but it seemed to brighten with every new comer to walk through his doors. For the most part he did not care who wandered into the tavern as long as they drank and paid. Money was money after all. His eyes first fell onto the young man who looked like he had seen far too much time on the road but he was being taken care of by one of the barmaids so there was no need to make introductions as of yet but he would eventually. He made it a point to get to know all he could of any that came into what he referred to as his home. Then came the young woman who to him seemed a bit out of place in such an establishment but who was he to judge? This tavern brought in all types, especially these days. He had seen her around after the last battle and took note of her healing the wounded. He would not begrudge such aide in time of war. A war he hoped would stay on pause for another day or two. Both sides needed time and he wondered still just why the Orcs had suddenly taken it upon themselves to break the peace treaty. “Aye lass, anytime past awaking is time for ale!” he laughed as he filled a pint with golden liquid and a nice froth to the top before he set it before her. “I must thank you for your assistance after the last battle, you had to have saved saved several that would have surely perished. I am sure their families are most grateful,” he added as glanced around, taking note of at least two within the tavern that she had healed; them doing their best to wreck their livers. [center]~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~[/center] The barmaid looked towards Keystone and his question about the temple in the village, she held up a finger to pause the conversation for a moment before heading to the back of the tavern. She slipped to the other side of a swinging door for a few minutes before emerging once again with a plate of food. It was nothing special; a large helping of roasted meat, a bowl of stewed root vegetables, a nice thick slice of a well-aged cheese and a hunk of wheat honey bread. Setting it down before him, along with a hefty pint of ale she dusted her hands off on her apron before answering him. “Why yes, in fact there be Monk-folk about. The temple belongs to those known as the Yellow Rose in these parts, I think they have another name but that is what I know them by. Don’t know a lot about them, they don’t exactly come wandering into here but I’ve seen a few here and there about town. Usually with some shiny snobbed knight, um a paladin, yeah that’s it. They be odd monks, I seen them with the animals, seems they can talk to them,” she said before shrugging and heading away from the table to tend to others and refill the empty pints that seemed to be never ending. [hr][hr][h3][b][i][color=a187be][center]Kyra Altham[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [center][b][color=a187be]Location:[/color][/b] The Jail - Outside The Tavern [b][color=a187be]Interacting With:[/color][/b] Marcus, Ash, Thelin [/center] [center]~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~[/center] Kyra just shook her head at the words of the militia as he warned her to keep Ash on a leash, which was the last thing she would try to do to her young friend. If the man wanted Ash to lash out on the unsuspecting folks of the town he needed to only try to tie up the adolescent wolf; his demeanor was far less accommodating than Kyras. Brushing her hair out of her face she made her way in silence towards where she could find the constable for the town; the one she was told went by the name of Marcus. She wanted to get to the tavern so she could rest for the evening there were more pressing matters at hand. It was simple enough to find the man; he stood out in his red ropes and bald hair. Not armed but with the militia to either side of him and the bars on the windows of the building he stood before one would have to be daft not to know who he was. [color=a187be]”Marcus I presume?”[/color] Kyra said in a cordial voice as she stepped up onto the porch and Ash rested down on his hind quarters next to her. The man looked at her oddly for a moment, the militia to either side of him tightening their grip on their pole arms. Kyra extended a hand in greeting, Marcus nodding slightly and shaking her hand momentarily. “That I am, and you would be?” he asked, rather curious to what this short statured woman with the wolf would be doing in his town. [color=a187be]”I am Kyra Altham, here on request of the Woodland Elves,”[/color] she said as she shook his hand before letting the grip drop and lacing her fingers in front of herself. The mans brow arched slightly at her words. “Mani naa lle essa?” Marcus said, his elvish was boorish and his pronunciation was atrocious, Kyra having to force herself not to shake her head in disgust. [color=a187be]”Kukuwa, no’ behalf en’ house Alion,”[/color] she said gently, the words rolling off her tongue as if she had been born to them. “You are the Dove of King Alions court?” Marcus replied in slight shock. [color=a187be]”It seems my reputation precedes me,”[/color] she said with a smirk gracing her lips as she pulled her hair to the side to reveal the intricately designed dove tattoo that marked onto her throat. “That it does Mi’Lady, I have heard tales of the war between the Goblin and the Woodland Elves. The one that sticks out is that of a young human who stood against the general Xrax to save the young princes life,” he remarked as he examined her tattoo. “What brings you so far from the Woodland Realm?” [color=a187be]”We received word that Xrax may be heading this way to form an alliance with the Orcs, I came to see if such rumors were true,”[/color] she said as she pursed her lips to the side slightly. Ashes ears seemed to perk a bit and he took off into the streets of the town. Kyra paid it no mind but the militia seemed a bit worried. [color=a187be]”He won’t cause any trouble.”[/color] “I see, well we have not heard anything nor seen any goblins in these parts in some ages,” Marcus said as he eyes followed Ash before he disappeared down the side of a building into the shadows. “You sure he won’t cause trouble?” [color=a187be]”I see, well that is good to know and yes I am sure. Would you mind if I stuck around for a few days to make sure and see what I can surmise from my own observations?”[/color] she asked, wanting to get the conversation over with quickly, the winds were picking up and the smell of burning flesh was beginning to wear on her. “Of course, if you find anything, you will let me know?” Marcus asked. Kyra nodded and shook the mans hand before pulling the hood of her mantle up and making her way in the direction that Ash had taken. It did not take long for her to find Ash, he was standing there eyeing what could have easily been a meal for him but he was making no attempt to attack the little one. The poor thing looked like it was about to be slaughtered from the look in his eyes. Kyra drew a deep sigh and rushed over to Ash, placing her hand on his head and running her fingers through his hair. [color=a187be]”Don’t worry, he won’t bite unless you try to harm him or me. Dire wolves are just curious is all and he is still pretty much a pup,”[/color] she said in a soft voice as she knelt down next to Ash, still ruffling his fur. [color=a187be]”This is Ash and I am Kyra, you are?”[/color]