Watching carefully as the man unloaded his bags, Marion took inventory in her head of things they would need and things they wouldn't need. [i]"Yes. no. yes. yes. yes. no."[/i] she thought to herself as he filled the counter with his items. Mari had been zoning out while the boy spoke, most customers if they weren't apart of the forgotten just rambled about how well their group was doing, or hadn't seen another person for weeks upon weeks so they used Marion as a crutch for a good conversation. However, when the boy said "[b]Seems they had been killing all sorts of people, though."[/b] she felt a twinge of grief for the mass of lives they lost recently. [i]"They are savages and not deserving of life, let alone freedom."[/i] Mari replied, giving the boy a stern look. He fiddled around with his bags some more, making mistakes that she took not much notice in, nor care. Turning her straight face into a small smile. In the distance of the store front Drake and Abel made their way to the shop. [i]"Here comes Drake, he will be able to help you better than I can. Even though, between you and I, I'm the best salesperson there is around these parts. Could have sold you your shoes that you're wearing if I tried."[/i] she teased as the man from before suddenly busted through the doors. [b]"How can I join The Forgotten?"[/b] Marion stared with her mouth agape. It wasn't often that people asked to join their group, it just sort of happened over time. People that didn't belong anywhere else came, did favors, just stayed around. Some seasonal, some forever. [i]"I-I uh."[/i] Mari started, a bit overwhelmed with how many things were going on at the time. As if someone was punishing her, Kim came around the corner to join in on the party. Marion didn't know much about Kim, but what she did know scared the shit out of her. She heard the girl killed her entire family even before the virus happened. She heard that Kim once killed a 300lb man with just a ballpoint pen. She heard Kim would kick anyone's ass if you even looked at her funny. All of these were rumors of course, but all rumors have a bit of truth to em'. Now more members had came around, surrounding the shop. Speaking with yet another new face. [i]"What is it about new people today?"[/i] she thought to herself, wishing someone would give her a hand. Kim moved to the side letting yet ANOTHER person into the shop. [i]"Is it getting hot in here, or just me?"[/i] Marion whispered to herself, with a nervous chuckle as she arranged the items they needed to the side and the others to the side. [i]"Okay shorty, this is what I'll take. What are you looking to trade? We'll go from there."[/i] Looking towards the wandering priest, [i]"You will have to talk to someone with some more power, I suggest you wait outside. I don't have any business here for you."[/i] and now to the one eyed girl she spoke, pointing a finger towards her, [i]"I hope you [b]see[/b] something you like here to trade with me, or we have no business for you either."[/i] Marion said with a smug look upon her face. She thought she handled that relatively well.