[h3] Collab between Renji [@Bigg Slamm] and [color=8882be]Nik[/color] [@Snarfulblast][/h3] (ps, Renji's dialouge should be in black but I cant find it so yeah) Nik's groggily lets Renji stand him up, shaking his head Nik looks over at the monk,[color=8882be]"Right, so we're going east yeah? And we are looking for a crystal yeah? Well then what are we waiting for?" [/color]Picking up his axe Nik turns west and starts walking, before realizing he was walking the wrong way. Quickly turning around Nik walks past Renji, shouldering his axe Renji stopped in his running when he heard Nik head the wrong direction. He turned to say something, but stopped when Nik noticed it himself. "Yeah, east is this way friend." He said with an amused grin as Nik walked past. As they travelled east together Renji spoke up. "Once we find the crystal we head north for the ruins." He explained keeping an eye out. [color=8882be]"Right, how many crystals are there again?"[/color] Nik ,after catching up with Renji, looked around searching for a crystal.[color=8882be]"Also seeing as we'll be partners I better tell you the name of my weapon. Her name Is Ash Moon.[/color]" Nik un-shoulders Ash Moon with a small flourish.[color=8882be]"Anyways we best keep moving I'd hate to lose out on getting one of those crystals."[/color] "Ten. So there aren't many. One per pair. Two per team. Total of five teams. You'd think they'd want more able bodied Hunters than that." He answered with a shrug. Liking his new partner's weapon name he nodded brandishing his own switching it to rifle mode. "Serenity's Regret." He returned the favor before agreeing with his suggestion by simply moving onward Nik nodded his head and followed, using his hiegthened senses to watch for Grimm,[color=8882be]"Look over there I think I see some ruins. Let's check them out." [/color]Nik having seen the ruins left of their position, moved towards the cautiosly.[color=8882be]"Come on Renji we don't have all day."[/color] Nik turned back and motioned Renji to follow him. "I'm coming. I'm coming. Sprinting is not one of my strong suits. Forgive me." He said bounding towards Nik the best he could. As they moved toward the ruins they came across a glade. In the middle was a huge tree. Towards the top was a huge nest. In ther nest was two things. A bright and shiny lightning crystal and a Nevermore. "Huh Nik? We have a problem." Turning as Renji moved past him Nik's jaw dropped,[color=8882be]"Well I've never fought one of those before."[/color] Before moving into the glade Nik stopped himself and Renji.[color=8882be]"Ok I have a plan. You think you could distract old bird brain over there while I run and grab the crystal seeing as you don't like running, and I'd probably be faster any ways."[/color] Sheathing Ash Moon Nik drops into a runners crouch. "Yeah me either." He said dropping into a defensive position when Nik mentioned a plan. "Yeah no problem." Renji said after Nik explained himself. Loading up his weapon Renji took a sharpshooter's knee and took aim at the giant bird grimm. "Go when the first shot hits. I'm going to blind her momentarily. So make it count." He said before firing the first flash bang round. As soon as he heard the shot Nik bolted towards the tree, making it as the Nevermore screeched, Nik nearly dropped to his knees from the proximinty of the screech. Pushing through the paing Nik pulled out Ash Moon and slammed it as high and as hard as he could, using like a lever Nik continued to do this until he was half way up the tree. Upon reaching the half way mark Nik grabbed the branches and continued to climb reaching the nest with just a little bit of trouble. As Nik climbed Renji kept firing shot after shot until he was out of flashbangs. "Nik! Run!" Shouted Renji as he quickly reloaded. Now with nothing but elementlal rounds he fired at the Nevermore while calling for it and strafing trying to keep it's eyes on him. Fire round , fire round, lightning, and ice struck the giant raptor, but did little other than piss it off. The Nevermore burst from it's nest, that's when Nik jumped, straight into the nest. Grabbing the crystal,and pocketing it, Nik quickly looked for a way down but he quickly realized he was stuck so he did the only thing he could think of. He jumped axe held high onto the Nevermore's back slamming his axe into it to keep himself from falling.[color=8882be]"Renji aim for the eyes!"[/color] The resulting screech that came from the grimm was worse than the first one. This time even Renji had to fight not to grab at his ears. Taking aim again Renji fired another ice round followed by an acid round. When it hit and the Nevermore lurched he realized he'd forgotten about them and fired another follewed by is last two fire shots. "Nik! Finish it! I'm out!" [color=8882be]"Gottcha!"[/color] Nik pulled his axe from the Nevermore's back steadying himself he ran up to it's head and quickly placed an ice crystal into his axe, which instantly became covered in a jagged sheet of ice. Nik raised his axe over his head and brought it down, once twice, thrice. The Nevermore let out one last ungodly screech as it went limp and tumbled to the ground, Nik jumped off at the last second before the thing hit the ground, going into a roll as he did making the impact not so painful. [color=8882be]"Well that was fun and look I got the crystal."[/color] Nik pulled out the lightning crystal from his pocket and handed it to Renji. When the beast landed Renji ignored Nik at first approaching the limp nevermore. Serenity's Regret morphed to spade mode before Renji swung it down hard with a grunt severing the head completely. As the grimm faded into the void Renji turned with a dark look on his face. For a moment it looked like he was about to say something dark before smiling brightly. "Better safe than sorry." He said taking the crystal from Nik and storing it in His weapon case. [color=8882be]"Yeah now we head north right? Let's go."[/color] Nik turned north wards and waited for Renji to lead the way. "Yup. Hope everyone else is doing ok." Said Renji leading the way. In the distance sounds of similar affairs echoed through the forest. As Renji and Nik traveled Renji prayed for everyones safety.