[color=OrangeRed][center][img]http://i1150.photobucket.com/albums/o620/Vicier/Vicier%20-%20Percy%20Jackson%20Roleplay%20-%20Characters/Aella%20Lorraine%20Stedford%20-%20Gif%2002_zpsl8u1acbu.gif[/img] [h1]Aella Lorraine Stedford[/h1] [h2]Half-Blood Hill & Training Grounds ~ Camp Half-Blood[/h2][/center] Pulling back gently though firmly upon the reigns to slow the pace as she drew closer to the top of hill that she now knew to be the entrance to the Greek camp, she steered her mare off slightly to the side, her balance never once seeming to waver on its back as the creature reluctantly came to a stop before shaking out its beautiful mane, the action causing the demigoddess to lean forward over the saddle, her hand softly gliding up and down the animals neck a few times in thanks and appreciation for getting her as far as she had. Leaving her life in Camp Jupiter behind had been easier than she had thought it was going to be- sure it meant leaving all her friends and those she cared about behind in her wake, but she’d made Nolan a promise… and she intended on keeping it, even though it meant uprooting her life and shipping herself off to Camp Half-Blood. Sitting up tall once more in the saddle as she turned her head back to the camp, her attention falling to glance back and forth between the other demigods milling about at their own pace and leisure- this place was so different to what she was used to… where were the uniforms..? Where was the structure..? It was going to take her a while to get used to living here… Frowning slightly as the sound of voices speaking floated up to her from where she could see a large pine tree standing guard over the camp, she turned her head and allowed her attention to settle down on the three figures chatting among themselves; one with gentle pink hair flowing down her back and shoulders, one with a sneer plastered over her features and looking like death warmed up, and the third, a male, hold up in his own little world causing her to wonder if he was ignoring the brunette, or just simply hadn't heard her. Deciding it better and possibly wise not to disturb the trio in question, she pressed onward, clicking her tongue a couple of times as she lightly pressed her heels into the side of her horse to once more gain its attention, she lightly flicked the reigns, urging the creature forward and down the hill to where she could see the most demigods milling about in the one area; her eyes flicking about her person so that she could take in as much as she possibly could before her eyes finally settled upon a small group staring up at her from where they stood within the grassy knoll surrounded by the cabins, her eyebrow quirking ever so slightly before she finally chose to speak up, her voice both clear and confident as she spelled out exactly what she wanted to the Grecian's before her, “I'm looking for Gideon James Carlyle; where can I find him?” “Uh… Gideon..?” Looking slightly confused and quite distracted as he gazed up at her in the saddle, the camper quickly righted himself, his cheeks and ears flushing a bright red in color as he felt his friend's hand smack against his shoulder, “Oh, Gideon..! Right..! If you're looking for him; I suggest that you try the training grounds. He's always there or in the armory. “ Stooping her head slightly in thanks to one of the guys who pointed her in the right direction, she once more urged her mare to move forward, following the path that had been lined out for her to follow before eventually, she once again came to a complete stop, though this time it was a few feet away from what she could only assume was the camps training grounds, the familiar sound on metal scraping against metal filling the air around her helping her to relax and calm her nerves, even just a little. Frowning heavily for a few moments as she looked out at the grounds from where she sat upon the saddle, she leant herself forward just slightly, her hands lowering down in front of her for a few moments as she watched the scene unfolding before her eyes; two of the demigods using the grounds seeming to be going at it harder than the rest- warriors… one of them, the larger of the pair she assumed, had to be the guy that she had been looking for. Patting the horse lightly and rather affectionately against its neck a couple of times, she once again clicking her tongue and gently nudging her heels into her horse's sides, she closed the gap between her and the two guys that seemed to be both winding down from their session upon the grounds, her back straight and her head held high within her pride as she slowed the creature to a stop in front of them both, “Father give me strength…” Waiting in complete and utter silence until she had the attention of both guys, she once more lowered her hands and the reigns down to the saddle in front of her, her both intense and attention demanding dark eyes moving over both of their figures before finally, they settled upon the eyes of the guy she believed to be Gideon Carlyle. “Gideon Carlyle I assume- my name is Aella Lorraine Stedford... daughter of Mars.” [/color]