[@Takashi] Now this one intrigued Ryoki greatly. A man with a smooth tongue capable of formulating much, much more than sweet talk, that was for sure. She leaned back as he spoke of the casino, internally celebrating how she guessed he worked there first try. Then again, she DID grow up in Shine City, so she was pretty well-informed about matters such as these. Not to mention she grew up in the richer side of town; she'd heard the distinct rich people speak more often than commoners growing up, and had even adopted the accent herself, to a small extent. After taking another sip from her coffee, she takes the man's hand and shakes with a gentle touch, looking him straight in the eye as she does. "My name is Ryoki Mochizuki, but you can call me whatever you like," she replies with a wink, "within reason, of course." Resting her own cheek against her hand, she stares him down with a gaze that holds both interest and playfulness, probably in regards to the current conversation, though of course it could be something more. She was surprised her heart could still beat normally, though with all of her flirting experience it was hard to make her heart race with mere words alone. "I make my own music for a living, working as a voice actor here and there. Sometimes I come down here, to the Mochavine, to perform." She leans back in her chair, stretching her arms and letting out a not-so-gracious yawn. "But today's my day off. So, I'm hoping to make the most of it," she returns her gaze, staring into his eyes, "and so far, I'd say it's starting out rather well." Feeling a little adventurous, Ryoki decides on playing with poor Yutaro's feelings a little more with one of her favourite pick-up lines. "So, did your license get suspended for driving girls crazy with words like those?" She always loved girls pick-up lines, and was surprised at how much of a shock these would deliver to guys and girls alike. Yet she felt as though Yutaro's reaction would be... interesting. Thus, she watches him carefully to see what his reaction would be.