It was a day of mourning for the followers of Iomedae, the day of a holy, solar eclipse. It was a day to be spent in solemn reverence. No work was to be done, no battles fought, and the devout were to return to their families and show their faith by endurance. It was on such a day, 37 years ago, that Eclipse had been born, and thus he had been named for such an omen, with the hope to prove the statement that only in great darkness can light be at its brightest. Eclipse was a renown hero in Kenebres, his home city, and to him, it seemed like he always had been. The city was also home to the high circle, the leaders of his order, and thus it had needed special protection. Oracles and astrologists foretold of an esoteric evil that would befall this day. Some angel would fall, some demon would rise, or some war would be declared... the exact nature of the evil was still unknown, but nevertheless, the order had taken preparations. Eclipse was outside at the temple when the vision came to him. Iomedae herself, made of embodied light, appeared to him from above and spoke to him, calling him by name. Eclipse was overwhelmed with awe and joy and gave her all his most serious attention. She told him several things. One, that most of her knights grew up, fought for the truth, the light, and the way, and served their goddess' will. They would live a life of loyalty and devotion, having begotten more children by inspiration than by procreation, but then they would eventually die, as mortals do, often in battle, raising their sword arm high in glorious final salute, giving hope and inspiration to all around them in great Iomedae's image. Finally, as a reward, they would be allowed to pass into Celestia, to an eternal peaceful rest basking in the warmth of the goddess' light. However, such would not be the case for Eclipse. Eclipse was speechless with concern at this. Surely he would not fail his beloved goddess! "I will bestow upon you one final task, my knight. For the sake of the light, you must depart from me and go to find what lies at the bottom of hell. Pay the ferryman. You will endure many tests beyond your imagination. Yet if you are true and faithful, you will have allies. What you search for is a thing of immeasurable power. Go to the cave, to the north. Find Eternity, Morality, Justice... When you find it, you will know what to do with it." As the vision faded, Eclipse found a gold coin bearing the sun-sword symbol before him. The goddess was wise, even more than almost all other gods. Eclipse knew she had revealed to him only what was necessary and no more. Anything she left out was for good reason. Eclipse spent his time until the sun finally sank beyond the horizon in fasting, prayer, and contemplation, but then it was time for preparation. As the sun rises, a beautiful longsword flies to his hand. That was a month ago. Now, Eclipse was in the northern wilderness: two horses, one squire. Finally they had reached their destination and dismounted. From the cave, the silvery plated knight with a blue and gold cloak could be seen embracing his cohort before sending him and the horses both off. He marched against the wind to the gathering in the cave. The malicious wind dissipated from around him as the knight stepped inside, but such long white hair framed not a face of lines and suffering, but a youthful visage with angelic light blue eyes. Nerrar would be instantly offended. Adrian would see a far smaller warrior than himself daring to bear an image of the holy sun, but with a sword over top of it pointing downward. Talændrel most of all could feel the aura of good from this new "man," if he truly was one, as it both sparked an inkling of hope in the ever elusive true-goodness that humanity is supposedly capable of, and at the same time, a twinge of cynicism and repulsion for such manipulative illusions. Surely he, who could read souls, would be able to tell the truth in him. Approaching, the white knight lifted his hands to show that they were empty. "Hail friends. Do not be alarmed. I come in peace." He announced in a warm and even voice. Eclipse as of yet did not know exactly who was gathered here, so he elected to be as diplomatic as possible. Walking closer, his blue eyes met the those of everyone in the room. He did not recognize Nerrar with his strange rocky exterior, nor the grey haired man with the katana who seemed to emminate a negative vibe, but he appeared to withhold his judgement. The marked knight with the lance and the eagle-like helm resembled stories he had heard, but he wasn't sure if tales alone were accurate. The man in the blue, sitting at the table, struck him as some kind of Fey creature, so he knew he this was probably the place. It appeared there was a gathering of heroes. Honest as a paladin, Eclipse stood in full view, bearing the symbols of the Inheritor upon his plate and formerly introduced himself. "My name is Eclipse. I come in the name of the wise, righteous, and merciful Iomedae, and I seek to pass through the gates of Hell and return."