Once Krysthane's friend told them everything he knew, Ebon followed her out of the cafe towards the car. On the way he snatched a kitten and tucked it into his pocket, where it mewed quietly in confusion. Wanting to keep the little cat a secret Ebon spoke to it using his telepathy. [i][color=black]"Hush little one. We're going to hang out, just for today."[/color][/i] Once the team arrived to the car Ebon had his doubts. He wasn't sure if he could fit the Kingdom inside, and if he could it was going to be a tight fit. He also questioned Krysthane's driving ability. Ebon at least had a license to drive, though he never had the Lien to buy a car. [color=black]"Don't park us up a tree Krysthane."[/color] Carefully maneuvering The Kingdom into the back seat, Ebon waited for the others while stealthily playing with the kitten behind his tower shield.