[color=aquamarine][center][img]http://i1150.photobucket.com/albums/o620/Vicier/Vicier%20-%20Percy%20Jackson%20Roleplay%20-%20Characters/Character%20Page%20Gifs/Claire_zpsgkxpe7wk.gif[/img] [h1]Claire Bellerose[/h1][h3] The Stables~ Camp Half Blood[/h3][/center] Hurrying across camp grounds, the little blonde French girl could be seen dodging around trees, her long blonde hair flowing behind her as the wind caught it. She let out apologies in French as she bumped into different people. She ran bare foot, in a pair of short jean shorts and a skimpy tank top. She was dressed for summer and easily recognized as Claire Bellerose, one of the Big Three children. She smiled and waved at her friends, giggling and laughing as she tiptoed and ran around in the soft grass. The dark, wooden stables came into view and she smiled even wider, taking a deep breath. She approached the stables cautiously, making sure none of the keepers were there, else they might get mad at her. Seeing no one around, she made her way inside, keeping a small, bright red apple hidden behind her back. The stables were full today, with nickering horses and whinnying foals. Down the way, she could hear the beating wings of a Pegasus trying to fly in their entrapment. There was a whinnying of anger as they hit the top of the stables and fell back to the ground. Claire giggled and rolled her eyes at the daft creature. It had tried that many times before and it had yet to learn that there was no escaping the stables unless it was let out. There was only one stall, however, that Claire was thoroughly interested in. It was the quietest stall and the smallest. She made her way toward it, moving carefully. She did not want to startle the poor creature. Moving up next to it, she peered inside, looking into the darkness. In the shadows of the stall, near a small hale bale toward the back, next to the water, there was a small noise and a dark gray shadow moved the dust and hay. A beautiful silver dapper mare made her way toward the stall door. Her normally shiny pelt was slightly dusty, but with a small shake, the dust flew off and toward Claire. Claire let out a sneeze and the horse whinnied, the whinny resembling something close to laughter. "Oh, be quiet," Claire said, her light French accent coating over her words. "I brought something for you, darling." She pulled out the apple from behind her back and held it out to the horse. She neighed with delight, but before she could get the apple, Claire pulled it back. "Apologize." The horse shook her mane. "Cascade..." Claire sounded as if she was talking to a child, and with how the horse was acting, it seemed as if she was. The horse snorted, scattering dust across the door. Claire narrowed her eyes as the horse dipped her head and nickered quietly. Claire smiled and held out the apple to the mare. The horse's head shot up and she immediately took the apple from Claire's hand, munching on it happily. Claire giggled and opened the stall door, walking into the dusty stall. She gently took the reigns on Cascade's neck and led her forward and out of the stall. Gripping onto the reigns still, she swung her small body up onto the beautiful horse's back. Cascade, a little surprised at the sudden weight, staggered forward slightly and neighed loudly. "Sorry, girl," Claire murmured, patting her neck. Unbuckling and unstrapping, Claire took the bit out of the horse's mouth and took the reigns off from around her head, tossing them back into the stall. Neighing happily, Cascade shook her mane out slightly, scattering more dust particles. Claire sneezed again. "You must stop doing that, Cascade." Cascade nickered and Claire smiled, digging her heels into the beautiful horse's sides. The horse took off, full gallop, out of the stables and they began to ride around camp. The wind blowing through her hair, Claire threw her head back and laughed, smiling widely. This was the most fun she had had in ages. And she wasn't planning on stopping soon. Unless she hit somebody, of course... [/color]