Despite Evelyn's best efforts Max saw the way Starkers words rattled her. She softly bit on her bottom red lip while swivelling in her chair thinking of how to best use that one against her later. Finally her mind turned back to the mission, but not before she took the opportunity for some passive agressive slandering of Evelyn's title. Looking to Anna and Muffy "[i]You actually think female Rambo over here is up to this?[/i]" She gets up from her seat and follows everyone out whispering as she walks but keeping it just loud enough that Evelyn would hear. "[i]Try not do anything to piss anyone off too bad, hopefully we can swap sides when soldier girl leaves one us behind." "or at least we get a merci killing[/i]." She adds in on a sad yet fake sigh, eluding to the horrible torture that awaited any of them that got caught. Choosing Muffy, the one who seemed would be most likely upset by this thought, Max followed her a short way before stopping her by placing a hand on her shoulder. "[i]Fuck the orders, I won't leave you behind[/i]." Then she casually strolls on to her room to get ready.