Oakley raised her rifle as her and Svoboda went to clear the left side of the building's ground floor. It was surprisingly quiet in the room after the rest of the squad had moved on and she moved with careful steps, her heart pounding in her ears. The air tasted like dust, even with the shemagh pulled over her nose and mouth. Truly the desert of the world, and while she had never hoped to come back here, she had nowhere to go otherwise. She looked back to her partner, motioning for him to continue on while she cleared the door that now stood in front of her. Oakley lowered her rifle, letting it hang from the sling while she grabbed a flashbang from her belt. She slowly twisted the handle and tossed the grenade in the door, letting it detonate before kicking the door open and raising her rifle, taking out two tangos on opposite sides of the room in rapid succession. After doing a once over from the room, she raised her hand to the PTT on her vest and began comms "Room clear, Oakley moving to--" A shot rang out and Oakley spun around. A boy, no older than twelve stood in the once empty room with an AK held in his arms it's barrel smoking. Instinct took over and she raised her rifle, placing two shots on the third assailant that had seemingly appeared from nowhere. She lowered her gun, closing her eyes for a moment as she took account for any damage. "...Fuck..just a boy.." she muttered to herself. A slight pain, throbbing in her left leg. Grazing wound, nothing more. She stumbled back against the wall, taking a breath. Too close, way too close. "This is Oakley.....room is clear. Out." She moved out of the room back to Svoboda after yelling out "Oakley exiting!" to notify her partner of her presence. She moved back to his side and proceeded upstairs, curious as to what was holding up the rest of the squad. Her thigh stung like all hell, but it was nothing compared to what she had experienced in Afghanistan three years prior. She entered the room to see the squad prepping detcord and things of the like and looked to Dima, opting to remain silent as she was fairly sure that the objective was quite obvious. Blow this place sky high. "No civies eh Niko?" the anger in Oakley's voice was evident.