Aoba would have puffed up like a surprised bird if he could have. Instead, because he was given an ‘it’s okay’ from Issho, he shrank back a little just as he always did when...well, intimidated or scared- which was a lot around these demons. “My a-apologies.” His voice was barely heard, although with their acute hearing, Aoba was sure all of the brothers heard him very clearly. Soon after, Issho changed the subject, and Aoba mentally sighed in relief. His gaze went from the ground back to the three brothers, still barely able to keep eye contact with Issho, as they all stood. More specifically, they fell onto Issho when he spoke with such seriousness in his voice. For a brief second, he thought he was in trouble again, but he managed to quell his fears before they could be shown. [i]’I think so?’[/i] No, he couldn’t possibly say that. But then again, how would he not be able to ‘handle Kuro’? It made him think Issho was leaving a wild animal or something of the sort in Aoba’s care. It was only Kuro. What trouble could he cause? Before he could come up with a simple answer of ‘yes’ after over analyzing the question, Kuro seemed to do that for him. The look in Aoba’s eyes was a clear [i]’what are you doing?’[/i], but he followed suit and stood to his feet quietly. Being picked up was a surprise, no doubt. Aoba had to bite his tongue in order to refrain from worrying about Kuro still being sore and needing to rest. He figured that was the opposite message Kuro was trying to send to Issho. The swirling mass of demonic energy in the portal made Aoba flinch and press closer to Kuro. He was still a little uneasy with all of the energy surrounding him, not being around it for so long and it made him feel a little sick. Kuro wasn’t much help with that either, but he was a lot...tamer in a sense. Aoba didn’t know how to explain it, but he let himself be carried by the damaged demon. The brothers filed into the portal and Aoba gave a small nod goodbye. When it finally closed, he breathed out, unaware he was even holding his breath. He didn’t want to admit it, but knowing Issho was gone made him relax a lot more. It was noticeable with how much he relaxed in Kuro’s arms. Before anything could be said, Kuro scared the final demon off. Aoba bit his lip and gave a little wave goodbye to Kyou as he scurried off to the barn. They were now alone, for real this time. They didn’t get moments like it very often with Dani hovering around them and he didn’t realize just how quiet it could be. In the silence, Aoba just looked at Kuro, wondering what to say after all of that. With his face scrunched in a somewhat confused manner, he spoke quietly. “Is there any other etiquettes I should be aware of?” His brow furrowed a little. He didn’t want to end up offending any more demons just because he was being nice and what he thought was considerate. Absentmindedly, he used his sleeve to wipe dirt off Kuro’s cheek, only reminding him that not only Kuro, but he needed to bathe as well. It made him look down at his stained clothing. He had just gotten back barely hours ago and so much had already happened. Aoba could only sigh softly and look up at Kuro at first with an unreadable expression. [i]’This is what I want. . . I’ve made up my mind and I’m positive about it. . .No matter the cost.’[/i] As usual, his brain would never let him havw a moment of peace. His expression turned into a small pout- not to Kuro, but towards himself. Aoba wiggled his way out of Kuro’s arms and stood in front of him with his hands behind his back. “About before. . .” It wasn’t just the fact that Issho threatened him earlier and scared him to near death, but it was the nagging guilty feeling that gnawed in the back of his mind. Aoba nervously rubbed the back of his neck and looked at his feet. “I did- I still do trust you. I mean, you’ve obviously proven that.” He made sure to pick his words carefully. “But all that stuff...what you said… Why didn’t you tell me before?” He knew he should have been enjoying their moment alone while it lasted, but Aoba felt like the air needed to be cleared. Yes, he was happy that he was back in a place where he didn’t feel so alone and empty, but this place was all still dangerous. He had a right to know about everything he was throwing himself into. He wasn’t sure he could take the surprises anymore.