Name: Shinah Pachad ([b]Shein-uh Pah-chah-d[/b]) Appearance:[img][/img] Age/grade: 18, senior Power/mutation: Nemesis Form-Ability to take the form of the fear of others. Medical considerations: 1) Has no set body temperature: He takes on the temperature system of what he changes into(If it has one). He's not use to any specific temperature so he's always cold. 2) Asthmatic. 3) If someone's fear is strong/has a strong emotional background, Shinah can be knocked unconscious or suffer a serious migraine for a time after experiencing it. 4) Unintentional shifting-when he's not shielding himself from experiencing and becoming others' fears- can cause a deep pain to set in his whole body, as his physiology had shifted without his intent or will. Personality: Bit of a smart ass, Shinah tends to tease people about their fears if he finds them irrational. Contrary to that, he tends to skirt around those with 'real' fears, and be a little more meek around those with stronger fears; he can sense/experience them, after all, and they can make him uncomfortable. He is still playful despite this. History: Born in a small town just a little ways away from Salem, Massachusetts, Shinah grew up an only child until he was 10. There hadn't been many problems in his life; his family was nuclear, they spent Shabbat together every week and his mom made the best Latkes during Channukah each year. It was a perfect cycle of life and Shinah loved being the center of attention to his parents. When his little brother came along, Shinah was fine with sharing the spotlight. Sometimes, Shinah would sneak into his brother's room and play peek-a-boo with him when his parents were asleep. His powers came in a little after that; he was playing peek-a-boo with his now one and a half year old brother when he felt dizzy and tired. Next thing he knows, he sees flashes of a monster he's never thought of before. His brother started crying and backing away as much as he could, crying 'Monso! Monso!'. Shinah didn't know what to do, nor what was going on. When his parents ran in to check on the crying child, Shinah was met with fear and distance. He tried to walk forward, to ask his parents what was wrong, but stumbled over feet that were not his own; as well as see those feet change right before his eyes into bloody shoes of a grown man. He blacked out after that. When he woke up, his head felt like it was exploding and his parents were talking frantically to the hospital staff. "[i]He's now registered, even though we didn't want him to be, but his powers are horrible.[/i]" the 12 year old didn't know what to do. The decision was made for him when his parents called the Xavier Institute, and he was hauled off with "I'm sorry, we love you, we'll see you when you have more control." He heard it all through speakers but didn't see them, wasn't able to hug them good bye, and only saw other people again when Eric Lehnsherr opened the car's door and Shinah passed out after images of tall metal gates and angry men in uniforms flooded his mind. 5 and a half years later and he's learned control, but he still stays at the school year round, celebrating his holidays with Magneto and the Maximoff siblings, as well as Kitty Pryde and Bobby Drake. They have a lot of candles and menorahs for Channukah. Equipment: Magen David necklace, his constantly-there winter jacket(See character picture), headphones he often wears if around many people, as it helps cut down on his ability to concentrate on or experience their fears.