[u]Freeshooter92 vs MercuryHg34[/u] [i]Rout the Enemy on Arena[/i] [hider=Info] [b]Freeshooter92's Phase 3[/b] Bryce Move (-1,0) Eve Move (-1,0) Vehrn Move (-1,0) [b]MercuryHg34's Phase 3[/b] Randal Move (-2,-3), Wait Beth Move (-2,-3), Wait Nyra Move (-3,-2), Wait Jason Move (-2,0),Wait [b]Freeshooter92's Phase 4[/b] [img=http://i58.servimg.com/u/f58/18/68/00/63/freesh15.png][/hider] [u]Asura & Olsted vs The Risen Army[/u] [i]Horde Survival on Crypt[/i] [hider=Info] [b]Wave 1: Player Phase 2[/b] Destero Move (-1,0), Engage Risen 2 with Javelin. With the previous strike not enough to fell the risen, Destero retreats and draws his throwing lance. Without hesitation, he lines his shot and lets the javelin fly, and it meets its mark in the chest of the risen, dealing 10 damage. The risen collapses onto the floor as it fades away in a mist of darkness. Exp Gain: Destero +31 = 32/99 [url=https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AmvyDLWGA9fIdGhfV0pfdVU3aWoxUzhtTUpGSjhDWUE&usp=sharing]The Risen Army[/url] [img=http://i58.servimg.com/u/f58/18/68/00/63/asura_13.png][/hider]