[hider=Lady Jun] [img]http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/gangstamanga/images/e/e6/21_1.png/revision/latest?cb=20150905000747[/img] Leader of the Hunters Name Jun Miyuki Epithet/Moniker/Code name Lady Jun, Miss Miyuki, Mistress Jun, and sometimes Lady J ( By a few people ) Age 20 Gender Female Morality Lawfully Evil Personality Prideful to say the least, Jun is extremely intelligent, calculating, patient, while simultaneously unwavering and iron-fisted. She cares deeply about the Hunters to the point where she doesn't have much of an outside life from them, After becoming the Leader of the Eastern division of the Hunters she accepted her role without questioning it or arguing with the Western leader. Jun sees weak people and civilians as just barriers that can and will get in the way in a fight with Onyxians that have taken over Kyushu. Like some of the Hunters Jun has an immense hate for Onyxians, she believes that they are abominations that should be eradicated from the planet without thinking twice, if she could have it her way she'd fire bomb Kyushu and gladly watch the land burn to see them be wiped out, but she opted out of burning the land to do an island wide extermination. History Jun was born to high classed parents that never really gave her much attention, her parents were more interested in splitting up and going their own ways, when she was only 5 she took up Kendo, driven to make her parents give her the attention she wanted and be a happy family drove her to become the best she could with the wooden blade, when she turned ten and her family was pretty much going to split up, Jun used her family's money to buy her way into competitions and beat people from all around Japan. Soon she then forced her way into the Championships and hoped her mother and father would watch, but sadly nobody came, feeling sadden during the final match ups, she lost her temper and brutally beaten one of her competitors to pulp taking her anger out on them and was disqualified from the Championship. After she saw what she could do with only a simple wooden stick Jun dropped Kendo to take up actual fighting with a real katana and using Wooden dummies. Choosing to be as far from her parents as possible, she joined the Eastern Hunters when she turned 16 lying about her age, while she was with the Hunters she seen many places around the world where many people would kill women and children, beat them, or use them to get money, she saw the people that would do such actions as monster or as weak and un-willing to do their own dirty work. When the bomb dropped over Kyushu, Jun was largely un-effected by it, her parents sadly lived in Osaka and were safe from the bomb that went off, and she had no relatives that really lived in Kyushu. Jun was one of the many first hunters to go Kyushu on the first days, and on their fifth day they went in, her and all of the Hunters were killed by a large monster that looked somewhat to a Oni or a dinosaur with horns and claws, it tore apart their entire squad and killed the leader to the the Eastern Hunters, Jun tried to fight the beast off but managed to get mortally wounded and left to die by the beast. Using nearly all of her will power she bandaged up her wounds an found another group of Hunters and relayed the message of what happened to them, since she was the only survivor she and the group that found her went to hunt the beast down that killed the former leader, in the process most of the hunters were wounded and she was the only one standing in the fight with the beast, she protected the wounded hunters and managed to cut the beast's head off. After hearing about how she handled the situation the Western Leader decided to promote Jun to the leader of the Eastern Hunters division and gave everyone the heads up on who was in charge in of the Eastern hunters, even though she was below the age of 30, the heads up was given to her on her birthday when she turned 20. Skills Master swordsmen: Shes never picked up a gun a single day in her life and chose to rather use a blade instead of a firearm and chooses to stick to it, shes even skilled enough to wield her blade in her teeth if she broken both of her arms. Adept hand to hand combatant: Even when disarmed Jun is still dangerous with only her hands Agile: Along side of her swordsmen ship, she moves quick and attacks fast. Weapons [hider=Jun's Blade] [img]https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-J3GW_jCBSfM/U78hOV6umHI/AAAAAAAAA6c/wkxPwCybW0o/w590-h379/katana-blade-swords-29014.jpg[/img][/hider] A special blade made for Jun's hands only. Several flash bang grenades. Flare gun Hidden tooth bomb Equipment Cellphone earpiece Flare gun- Used to call in a helicopter Small but powerful flashlights Special reinforced Handcuffs with cuff keys Armored transport helicopter Other The blade that Jun uses is weightless to her, but when wielded by others it becomes heavier based on the person's sins. Theme: [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KFZ3Qhn5dW8[/youtube] [/hider]