Pulled from my wip sheet, picture is a place holder. [hider] [center][img]http://earlycaliforniaantiques.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/L353.jpg[/img] [i]"Fire is more then just a tool of destruction, it could be considered mankind's first step against the dark.[/i][/center] A decorated lantern that seems to be fashioned from oak and ivory and constantly emitting a warm light despite rain or wind. Johar had discovered this item shortly after awakening and, lost and confused as he was, quickly formed an attachment to the item. The lantern serves as a foci for Johar's affinity with fire magic, and he is able to perform more accurate or controlled feats of pyromania with the item in hand. The lantern's magical fire is constantly billowing a sweet, smokey, incense that clouds the air to a choking degree. Reactions to this incense seem to vary by person; some hunters finding the scent pleasant enough, while others can barely stand to be around the haze. The beasts themselves heavily dislikes the scent, finding it more of an irritant then a repellent. Beasts that are far enough, busy enough, or dumb enough tend to keep clear of Johar's lantern. However, any creature that is currently in combat will imminently focus their attention on Johar - To the point where they would outright ignore closer hunters. [[ The character is very spiritual, being deeply religious before losing his memories. The lantern mostly represents his faith, while the incense would be representing that faith being cast on to others (hence people's varied reactions to the smoke, and the beast's outright distaste) ]] [/hider]