[hider=White Interstellar Corporations] [center][h1]White Interstellar Corporations[/h1][img]http://media.animevice.com/uploads/0/5934/413006-white_corps2_super.jpg[/img][/center] [center][b]Faction Description[/b][/center] [i]White Interstellar Corporations (White Corps or WIC) is the story of centuries of successful business. It started out as a small banking company by Keith White the First but by his death White Corps was already a megacorp spreading over multiple nations through the galaxy. Throughout the centuries it grew and evolved, encompassing every economic sector and estimated to contribute almost 1% of the total galactic GDP. White Corps is the purest incarnation of capitalism and meritocracy, it has no political holdings or agenda but instead has an undeniable sway over economy and industry through the galaxy. White Corps as a whole has absolutely no inclination to ethics, religion or politics. The megacorp only cares about profit and for this reason it adopts whatever laws and customs their location demands. This kind of amoral policy does not sit well with everyone but given their influence there are hardly any nations which can afford to not do plenty business with White Corps.[/i] [center][b]Faction Involvement[/b][/center] [i]White Corps' involvement and interest in the war is of course purely business. The Fires of Anuria shifted the mega corporation's focus to arms development and trade, making White Corps a fairly well-known supplier of hi-quality military gear. But their involvement in the war of course didn't stop here. White Corps' military branch the White Security Services is effectively a mercenary force with millions of sub-contractors. These people can and will offer assistance to the highest bidder with the only restriction being they cannot fight other WSS personnel or hurt White Corps' interest. White Corps also has a top secret organization called HYDRA. This is a black ops force doing things which White Corps can't openly admit and the ties between HYDRA and White Corps are unknown to anyone but an extremely limited number of people. The existence of HYDRA, their never seen before equipment and their actions would actually imply a conspiracy and hidden agenda which further clouds the image of White Corps.[/i] [center][b]Species Description[/b][/center] [i]White Corps is an international megacorp with employees from countless nations and races (predominantly humans or humanoids). White Corps promotes businesslike attitude and prohibits aggression between fellow employees. Visiting facilities belonging to the main branch of White Corps may feel like a zoo of various species.[/i] [center][b]Technology[/b][/center] [i]Thanks to trading technologies with countless nations through the galaxy as well as spending considerable funds at research White Corps is a well-known pioneer in technology. While most nations developed their technology in their own world and perhaps trade some between their allies, White Corps gained most of its technology by trading with all the nations of the galaxy. Accordingly White Corps are known for extensive reverse engineering or crossing various technologies into one device. They are also pioneers in miniaturization and many of their creations end up being smaller and more compact than the original while retaining most of its features. The exact level of technological development is unknown because by trading foreign technology White Corps needed to sing countless non-disclosure contracts as well as he must watch for copyright and other issues. Certain technologies can be freely used and sold in one star system while banned in another. It's also a well-known fact that White Corps retains their most advanced products to themselves while supplying older models to their clients. As such the uniniated may draw the wrong conclusion as many products seem to lack exotic features you'd expect from a top scientific faction like them. Of course being simple does not mean bad. White Corps technology is famously sophisticated and focuses on maximal convenience to the user. Actually another reason behind their relative lack of exotic flair is because for mundane tasks the most efficient is to use mundane equipment. Lastly, White Corps also needs to worry about their own copyright and thus all their technology is equipped with extensive anti-tampering methods to avoid people prying into their design. Conspiracy theorists also say that the "anti-tampering" hides some insidious mechanisms to further White Corps' goals or devices to prevent their own equipment being used against themselves (the latter being actually semi-confirmed).[/i][hider=Typical Techs]- [B]Replicators:[/B] Also referred as quantum-forging is a method to transmute materials and even turn energy into matter. This technology revolutionized industry and seemingly bridged the differences over matter and energy. Still, due to its massive energy requirements the world has yet to grow free of all material needs. Mining and collecting resources is still important on large-scale. Replicators of course also brought many new developments into material science and even medicine. Using replicator technology to literally reconstruct the body is possible, albeit obviously rather expensive. - [B]Metastable Matter:[/B] A development which made replicator technology far more accessible. It's an unique state of matter which is relatively stable and dense with energy. Can be useful for batteries (though even more efficient methods exist) but first of all it's used as an intermediary matter for use in replicators. It allows replicators to work while consuming far less energy. The obvious downside is of course that there's only a limited amount of metastable material thus the system can actually run out during operation. In addition creating metastable material can be expensive and generally this is only used for small replicator machines. Replicators connected to sufficiently large power sources can keep making matter straight from energy. - [B]Fold Drive:[/B] Standard and reliable FTL method which manipulates spacetime to raise the apparent velocity of the vehicle beyond the speed of light. It has relatively low power consumption but comparatively slow speed and other inherent issues. Still, it's relatively cheap and has many alternative applications. Fold Accelerators for example can accelerate projectiles and vehicles at faster-than-light apparent velocities even if, without "fold sustainers", they revert to sublight speed after reaching a certain distance. - [B]Farcaster:[/B] The common long range interstellar travel method used by White Corps. In basic terms it works similar to your standard Hyperdrive. It punches a hole in reality to the higher mathematical dimension of the hyperspace to allow faster-than-light travel. It consumes great amounts of energy to travel and the ships have special capacitors for this role. On the other hand the same method can be modified to transport smaller objects and Farcasters are one of the most popular and energy-efficient methods of teleportation. The only downside is that Farcasters are rather difficult to scale down thus unless there's a similar device around the teleportation is usually limited to one way trips. The speed of Farcasters is dependent on the power relative to the mass it carries. Thus systems like "Hypercarriers" (huge transports allowing many ships to dock) and "Hypergates" (large stationary structures which also use quantum linking to enhance the speed even further) exist. - [B]Impulse Engine:[/B] Standard sublight engines used by White Corps. They expel mass particles at near the speed of light generated from pure energy which means they can have yet unheard level of specific impulse and henceforth their common name. Without the right conditions mass particles rapidly decay into relatively harmless photons thus also making this design the safest engine known to White Corps. - [B]Gravitics:[/B] Electromagnetics in White Corps were long replaced by gravitics, devices that move objects around with the force of gravity. While inherently gravity is a weak force there are countless mechanisms known to White Corps to amplify them. Gravitic actuators, accelerators, propulsions are all commonly used by the WIC or its associates. This combined with the Higgs technology and mass lightening methods resulted in a massive boon for starship propulsion and new dominance of projectile weapons. - [B]Hypercomms, Hypersensors:[/B] A family of devices that use known FTL methods to gather or transmit information rapidly over long distances. Their mechanism can differ by type with each having its own set of advantages and disadvantages. Hypercameras and Hypertelescopes for example gather the tachyonic shadow of visible light to allow the crew up to a certain distance to see events in real time regardless of light-lag. Another common hypersensor is the Foldwave Radar which is rather self-explanatory. - [B]Quantum Link:[/B] By using quantum-entanglement one can connect two objects regardless of distance. This is generally used as a form of communication between friendly units, allowing to contact employees anywhere within the galaxy. While the link is instantaneous, establishing this would require to find the target by other means first. It can be also used as a form of energy transfer, albeit the method is often prohibitedly expensive and require constant monitoring as the quantum signal rapidly decays from the strain. - [B]Conversion Reactors:[/B] The most common method of power generation. They can be practically found everywhere, be it in factories, cars or even cell phones. Conversion reactors are the ultimate result of nuclear research and could be said to be the distant relatives of fission and fusion energy. Thanks to their degree of sophistication the conversion reactors are actually fairly safe and incredibly easy to use. - [B]Zero-Point Energy Extractor:[/B] The ramscoop of space-time, this complex device allows harnessing vacuum energy which makes it ideal for warships and other power-hungry machines. The device requires lot of power to run and difficult to scale down, thus they won't replace conversion reactors anytime soon. - [B]Compressed Vacuum Cells:[/B] Just as space itself can be used to harness energy it also turns out to be the best method to store power. Compressed Vacuum Cells and ZPEEs are virtually the same technology used for different purposes. In effect vacuum cells are Zero-Point Energy Extractors that are deliberately inefficient. For this reason they can be made more compact and many military equipment is relying on these. Actually, the White Corps is working on the means to make vacuum cells even more popular and replace other alternate batteries. Its advantages over the other means are weight savings, far higher capacity and even safety. When destroyed the spatial compression within the cell ceases and space expands around the unit. Anything caught within its area of effect is simply ceases to exist. Yet space holds massive energy densities thus the failure of a vacuum cell only results in minuscule expansion. Even for the most massive starship batteries it fails to erase the entire vacuum cell. Thus ironically vacuum cell technology is both the safest and most destructive power storage mechanism White Corps knows. [/hider][hider=Military Techs] [hider=Defense Tech]- [B]Durachrome:[/B] The most common military grade armor are made of durachrome. It's a hard, densely packed material family with its variants used both for ground troops and starships. At average one cubic meter of Durachrome weighs around 70 tons (70g/cm3) thus many equipment specifically requiring mass compensators to remain efficient. - [B]Structural Integrity Fields:[/B] Special complex field which reinforces the bind of atoms and generates bubbles of fake mass to further enhance the toughness of material. - [B]Higgs Shield:[/B] An extension of structural integrity fields this kind of protection forms layers of fake mass generated by the field emitters which can act like a regenerative extra armor. - [B]Lightwave Barrier:[/B] A rather peculiar type shield which contrary to its name actually traps tachyons in a limited boundary around the vessel. It deflects massless and low-mass particles like light and radiation the best while practically useless against heavier projectiles. Starship-based lightwave barriers also have some other properties to compensate for spatial effects. - [B]Gravity Deflector:[/B] The various gravitic devices can also produce a shield of gravity around the ship. These tend to extend pretty far, up to dozens of kilometers and activated only during combat. The gravity shield's main purpose is to intercept, disrupt and disperse incoming attacks instead of directly stopping them. The weakened attacks would be then handled by the rest of the defense systems. [/hider][hider=Weapons]- [B]IGP:[/B] Intelligent Gravitic Projectile. Highly sophisticated ammunition created for various GAWs (Gravitic Accelerator Weapons). They are equipped with miniature sensors, AI, transceiver, multifunctional warhead and even a limited gravity drive system. It's an intelligent projectile capable of filling many roles and has means to make slight corrections to the wielder's aim. There are many different IGP ammunitions, including the less advanced types shipped to other nations. The power of each projectile can be adjusted between many different parameters and using pin-point focus of its gravity drive reserves it can even break through armor and shields to some extend. Its multifunctional warhead could range anywhere from inert to micrograms of matter-antimatter explosives, airburst fragmentation to shaped explosives or even tiny bomb-pumped lasers depending on what the user sets. Ammunition is often regenerative via compact replicator technology. - [B]ISFP:[/B] Intelligent Space-Folded Projectile. Launched from Spatio Accelerators and Fold Accelerators, these projectiles work by a different mechanism yet otherwise share man similarities with the IGP. Compared to IGPs the ISFP only has very limited maneuverability but its apparent superluminal delivery speeds can compensate for that. - [B]PPA:[/B] Pressed Particle Arms. It generates and unleashes a long and often nanometer-thick stream of hyperdense particles like a spear to pierce through a range of different kinds of protection. Because of the extreme concentration of particles in a tiny surface this weapon can be ideal to defeat armors at comparatively low energy cost. The expansion of the unstable hyperdense matter helps to increase damage on the target which would otherwise be just a negligibly small hole. PPAs are powerful but the compression process takes time thus they are rather preferred against enemy armor and fortifications. Starships also carry a fold-enhanced variation of this weapon. It lacks versatility and rapidly loses its effectiveness at range but its sheer power renders it worthwhile. - [B]Grav Lance:[/B] Energy weapons which shoot fake mass particles at near-lightspeed or in case of fold-enhanced variations even beyond. While decent in power the sheer versatility of ISFPs and IGPs mostly made these weapons obsolete. Their role is all but completely replaced by the new and improved PPAs. - [B]Missiles, Torpedoes:[/B] White Corps employs myriads of different kind of missiles. These are basically small space vessels that can carry various warheads and cause damage by many different mechanisms. Thanks to on-board replicators each missile's composition can be altered just before the launch thus generally eliminating the need for carrying different loads. This flexibility is the only reason missile launchers are still relevant in space combat. There are two categories: missiles and torpedoes. Missiles are generally smaller and incapable of superluminal travel (albeit may get external assistance for it via farcast mirrors teleporting them closer). Torpedoes are much larger and often accelerated by a gravitic catapult system to great speeds as well as often capable of superluminal travel via compact Fold Drive. Missiles are commonly used for lighter targets, interception or sometimes massed bombardment. Torpedoes are much more powerful and employed against ships and space fortifications.[hider=Warhead Types]- [B]Conversion Warhead:[/B] Missile containing an overclocked conversion reactor which converts any nearby material into energy. Since conversion reactors cannot convert more exotic types of matter they are mostly useless in space combat. Instead their main role is demolition and planetary bombardment where they can be orders of magnitudes better than any other missile. - [B]Hawking Warhead:[/B] Missile containing a micro black hole in stasis. They are dangerous and only armed prior to launch. When it detonates the black hole instantly evaporates into Hawking radiation (hence its name). They aren't more powerful than any antimatter or nuclear warhead. On the other hand this mechanism allows them to dump all their energy under a minuscule fraction of time, which is essential when attacking warships moving at high speeds. There are shaped charge (Hawking-A) and even black hole pumped laser variants (Hawking-B). Torpedoes can even have fold-accelerated particle mechanism pumped by the black hole's decay (Hawking-F) which makes them well-fit for intercepting hypercruising vessels. - [B]Spatial Warhead:[/B] Warhead which uses a crude ZPEE mechanism for offensive purposes. It concentrates incredible density of energy to a seemingly 2-dimensional plane and effectively tears through the target by spatial distortions. It's an effective breakthrough weapon but requires direct hit. In addition the spatial distortion doesn't last for long which makes layered defenses effective against it. Without the spatial effect the missile is nothing more than just a big mass at relativistic velocities. Spatial Warheads are often closely followed by different type of missiles that can immediately abuse the gap caused by the weapon. - [B]Kinetic Rod:[/B] Missile which sports reinforced durachrome core to penetrate the targets by its sheer momentum. Alternatively called "Relativistic Ramrod". - [B]Multi-Kinetic Rod:[/B] AKA the Multi-Ramrod. More common variant which spreads out into multiple thinner penetrators to cover a wider area. It can range from a few sub-munitions to millions of wire-thin durachrome strands. The latter variant is largely superseded by the Beehive type warheads. - [B]Beehive:[/B] Also called the Space Shotgun. This warhead contains precisely calibrated gravitic charges surrounded by microscopically small (diameter below 1 micron) durachrome sub-munitions. When reaching optimum speed and sufficient distance from the target it disperses into a gigantic cloud of tiny projectiles with the average distance between each durachrome ball is only 1cm. Still with literally a quintillion sub-munitions by the time reaching the target this cloud extends to thousands of kilometers, practically sealing off any kind of escape. Disrupting the cloud is extremely difficult because the energy density of each projectile is the same as a large kinetic warhead, even if their kinetic energy is only a minuscule fraction of that. For the latter reason though the Beehive is largely ineffective on well-protected targets but damaging warships was never the warhead's role to begin with. Attention and timely avoidance may help starfighters to escape the onslaught albeit more often than not Beehives are launched in swarms to provide great coverage. It worths noting though that Beehives are only really effective at sufficiently long ranges and preferably when the target's path is mostly predictable.[/hider][/hider][/hider] [center][b]Space Forces[/b][/center] [i]White Security Services has a naval branch known as White Security Starforce (WSF) which mainly exist to provide escort for White Corps' explorers and secure trade routes. Of course WSF is still effectively a mercenary force so the offer their services to all takers when White Corps don't employ them but their involvement with other faction is much more rare. Just like the rest of WSS, the Starforce is also equipped by White Corps. Their ships are deceptively powerful for their size with frigates and light cruisers generally being their largest warships. Just like WSS their space fleets aren't numerous and they only possess just enough ships to secure their interests. For long distance journeys White Corps often relies on Hypercarriers. These are giant mostly hollow spaceships with multiple huge Farcaster rings to boost their hyperspace performance. By other ships docking inside the Hypercarrier they can travel long distances faster and more economically than using their own Farcaster Drives. HYDRA of course has its own small fleet with radically different ship classes and technologies which not just works for them but of course makes it impossible for others making connection between them and White Corps.[/i] [hider=Silver Arrow Class Attack Frigate][img]http://i.imgur.com/0T8XWrs.jpg[/img] [B]Name:[/B] Silver Arrow Class [B]Classification:[/B] Medium Offense-Oriented Independent Space Combat Vehicle, Attack Frigate [B]Dimensions:[/B] length: 210m, width: 70m, height: 50m [B]Standard Mass:[/B] 1,550,700 metric tons (prior to mass-compensation, doesn't include the weight of modules) [B]Standard Crew:[/B] 325 [B]Powerplant:[/B] WPG-Z228D Zero-point Energy Extractor, WPG-N899C Conversion Reactors x 8 [B]Propulsion:[/B] Impulse Engine Clusters x 2, Gravity Drives x 24 [B]Interstellar Travel:[/B] Foldspace Engine, Farcaster Jump Drive [B]Speed:[/B] 0.5c (cruising), 0.9c (combat), 36c (standard hypercruise) [B]Maximum Jump Distance:[/B] approx. 172.4 lightyears [B]Armor:[/B] 225mm Durachrome Composite-S (reinforced by integrity fields) [B]Sensors:[/B] Foldspace Radar, hypersensory package, GADAR, Hypertelescopes, backup sensors [B]Defense Systems:[/B] [LIST] [*]Structural Integrity Fields [*]Higgs Shielding [*]Lightwave Barrier [*]Gravity Deflector [/LIST] [B]Armaments:[/B] [LIST] [*]SFAS-2250E Space-Fold-Accelerator Gun (accelerates 2250x3599mm ~900 ton projectile to superluminal velocities) [*]SAG-172D 300mm Gun Turrets x 4 (shoots 500kg ISFPs at superluminal velocities) [*]HPFP-60D Particle Projectors x 6 (relatively short ranged but powerful fold-enhanced PPA system) [*]SGLS-90 Interceptor Batteries x 4 (10-tube 90mm missile systems with variable loadout, 40 tubes total) [*]GAC-S88 "Space Buster VII" CIWS x 24 (shoots enhanced IGPs at 0.98c on 6,000,000 RPM) [*]Broadside Modules x 10 (detachable optional package that can add weapons, hangar space or extra systems) [/LIST] [B]Module Options:[/B] [LIST] [*]SGLS-125M Missile Module (16-tube 125mm missile system, 192 missiles per module) [*]FDKV-3200M Torpedo Bay Module (houses up to eight 3200mm fold torpedoes) [*]Drone Hangar Module (houses 2-3 drone starfighters of various type) [*]Shield Booster Module (houses various shield emitters to boost the ship's protection) [*]Battery Module (Massive stock of CVCs to increase the ship's power storing capacity) [*]Power Module (Rows of Conversion Reactors for extra power generation but at the expense of endurance) [*]Replicator Module (Industrial-scale replicator in order to boost the ship's rate of recovery at the expense of consuming power) [*]Fuel Module (External storage of compressed fuel materials in order to support the conversion reactors longer) [*]Other, less standard modules [/LIST] [i]Silver Arrow is a small and agile starship class with power which belies its size. It's delta-shaped hull an forward mounted Foldspace Accelerator Gun visibly tells its main role as strike vessel yet it can easily fill all the other standard frigate roles if required. Due to its numerous features the Silver Arrow class is also the flagship of smaller escort fleets and performs that role excellently. Its efficient Farcaster system allows it to work as long range patrol unit, traveling the stars alone. Due to its sheer efficiency the Silver Arrow is gradually takes its role as the mainline warship for White Security Services.[/i] [/hider] [center][b]Air Force Description[/b][/center] [i]TBA[/i] [center][b]Ground Force Description[/b][/center] [i]TBA[/i] [center][b]Common Equipment[/b][/center] [hider=ARS-7A Battlesuit][img]http://pre09.deviantart.net/ce7b/th/pre/f/2013/313/9/d/sam_gideon_from_vanquish___3d_model_replica_by_kevnabo-d6tl51s.jpg[/img] [b]Full Name:[/b] Augmented Reaction System 7th Generation Anthropod-type (ARS-7A) [b]Height:[/b] Varies (designed to fit the wielder) [b]Mass:[/b] 425kg standard (for the average sized model, otherwise it of course varies. Also this is prior to extensive mass-lightening) [b]Armor:[/b] Nanomesh suit with 2-10mm Durachrome plates overlaid [b]Powerplant[/b]: ~5MW Ultracompact Conversion Reactor (found at the back) [b]Propulsion:[/b] Gravitic Actuators, Inertial Propulsion, Impulse Micro-thrusters [b]Peak Running Speed:[/b] ~60 km/h (albeit certain running techniques allow much faster speed) [b]Maximum Gravity Tolerance:[/b] ~36G [b]Maximum Lifting Capacity:[/b] ~5,000kg under 1G [b]Defense Systems:[/b] Inertial Compensator (cushions G-forces and assists movement), Lightwave Barrier Unit (which can alo bend light for stealth), Higgs Shield, Complex Countermeasure Suite Gen 7 [b]Other Systems:[/b] Micro-GADAR, tactical composite sensor suite, holographic display, medical an life support systems, sensory jammers, quantum data-link [i]Augmented Reaction System (A.R.S.) is White Corps' invention to adapt to the changing battlefield. Gravitics, power generation, sensors and shields all reached sufficient level of miniaturization to be incorporated on the scale of infantry which gave way for yet unimaginable possibilities. ARS-7A is the 7th generation of this technology offering improved capabilities as well as new features. It's a nanomesh suit reinforced by durachrome plates to offer decent protection. It also features complex shielding trademark to any White Corps military equipment. Like its predecessors it moves by gravitic actuators combined with inertial compensators which is strong enough to lift 5 tons and run at 60km/s without engaging the thrusters. The combination of anti-gravity and impulse thrusters also gives the soldiers the ability to fly which combined with the full environmental protection allows a soldier if necessary to operate in space. While certainly advanced ARS-7 doesn't make the wearer remotely comparable to the capabilities of tanks or other vehicles equipped by competitive technology, and it wasn't even designed for that. The suit continues to serve WSS's doctrine of light and rapid response military, making most types of combat vehicles obsolete. This is the standard model battlesuit for human soldiers or those look humanoid enough to wear this comfortably. For special needs there are multitudes of different suits to equip soldiers with.[/i][/hider] [center][b]Emplacements and Deployables[/b][/center] [i]TBA[/i] [center][b]Headquarters[/b][/center] [i]TBA[/i] [center][b]Persons of Importance[/b][/center] [hider=Keith White]Name: Keith White Aliases: Big Boss, The White Snake Gender: Male Species: Unknown (similar to Homo Sapiens) Age: 37 (birthday is on the 345th day of a Solar Year) Height: 6'2" [i]Charismatic and mysterious man whose person is synonymous with his galactic enterprise. His public image is that of a well-dressed gentleman and the posterboy for the rich businessmen. He's a clam, collected individual and a great talker who frequently attends public events which only raise his popularity more. Although many people also grew to despise him as the single most well-known face of capitalism.[/i][/hider] [/hider]