[b]Name:[/b] Trenton "Locke" Wist [b]Species:[/b] Human, Hunter [b]Age:[/b] 39 [b]Appearance:[/b] An almost scruffy-looking man, with stubble and thick, dark hair. White skin, a little tanned, blue-grey eyes. He dresses more professionally for work, but for hunting and leisure he's a big fan of jeans, t-shirts, flannels, and military/utility jackets. If you really need a visual aid, here's a picture of [url=http://stocklandmartelblog.files.wordpress.com/2013/07/nino-muncc83oz_hugh-jackman_page_3.jpg]Hugh Jackman[/url] that hits pretty close. [b]Personality:[/b] He's a professional, through and through, and sees all missions through to their end. Gruff, but approachable, and with fatherly intincts. He's known to be pretty open-minded, but he obviously wouldn't trust any vampires as far as he could throw them, at least without several silver weapons on his person. [b]Equipment: [/b] He's an experienced hunter with steady income, so he's well equipped. This is his standard loadout, though he's got more stored. - Silver-coated hatchet - Silver-coated kukri - Beretta 92, standard and silver-tips carried. - Either shotgun or hunting rifle, 12 guage silver-loaded shells or .308 silver-tipped Winchesters - A smartphone for real life, and several dumbphones for hunting work [b]Background:[/b] Trent has been on the force for a long time. He's seen a lot, but won't ever forget the night he met his first vampire. What seemed like a standard alleyway mugging on one of his first nights turned into a man screaming as his neck was bit into like a grapefruit. Trent himself would have died that night had a hunter not been there to stop the creature. The hunter explained the truth about vampires, and Trent took up the hunt as what he figured to be a natural next step in defending citizens. Fast forward 20 years, and he's the leading detective for the department, and a highly respected hunter. So highly respected, in fact, that he's come to be the de-facto leader of the local hunting community under the code-name (to remain anonymous in the 'real world' but still have a presence in the hunting world) 'Locke.' [b]Extra:[/b] - Has a family. A loving wife, Julie, and a young son, Ben. - His job provides him with good cover and a steady stream of cash. - He wears a silver chain around the neck, and has his family do the same (though he won't explain why).