[quote=@Katakon] Here's my WIP for my second character I will finish him once I get home, my phone is about to die [hider=WIP] [center][img] http://40.media.tumblr.com/40fca3cac3b2ed996eb2013bdd0c6b42/tumblr_nqg6uzdDHa1u0d2vyo1_250.png[/img] [color=gray][i]"I am allergic to things I dont want to do.*Coughs* Coughing... "[/i][/color] [b]Name:[/b] Samson Selene [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Race:[/b] Faunus, Wolf [b]Appearance:[/b] Samson has a wild mane of two-toned hair that at its longest is near his mid back and he stands at a decent height at 5'11" and weighs in at 164 pounds, his skin is pale white with a few scars here and there from learning how to use his Semblance. He has a pair of extended canines, wolf ears and tail. His red eyes are wolf like as they shine in low light and allows him to see in the dark. [b]Weapon Name:[/b] Luna and Sol [b]Weapon Appearance/Function:[/b] [img]http://img13.deviantart.net/cfa0/i/2008/317/9/c/sword_and_shield_by_spagi.jpg[/img] [u]Type:[/u] Offensive, Defensive, Dust [u]Weapon Derivation:[/u] Laser, Sword, Shield [u]Holstered/Sheathed Appearance:[/u] Sol is strapped to upper arm covering it even when not in used. Luna looks like a metal rod strapped to his waist for easy access for when combat happened. [u]Form 1:[/u] Luna opens up to reveal that it's a sword with laser for blades. Sol turns to the side and opens up at the press of a button the shield turns out to be made of lasers, Sol covers most of Tad's upper body. [b]Personality:[/b] Samson comes off as an overly hyper, irresponsible, dim witted and goofy person. Which is all true. SamsonĀ  gets excited by the littlest of things or things that others don't see as interesting and due to his hyperactive thoughts he sees everything as a game rather it's hunting Grimm or doing exams but this makes samson a passionate person who puts in a hundred percent into everything he does. While he's clueless about a great deal of things like how to talk to people and even common knowledge about humans, he is very intelligent in other areas, like the way combat flows and all kinds of Grimm's strength and Weaknesses and oddly enough, history, both human and Faunas, and he also take a particular interest in fairytales and their possible origins. [b]History:[/b] [b]Emblem:[/b] [img] http://emblemsbf.com/img/894.jpg[/img] [b]Other:[/b] Don't talk to him about war tactics. [u]Color:[/u] [color=gray]Silver [/color] [u]Combat Style:[/u] Samson is a highly defensive fighter, blocking and countering attacks for his allies and he tends to attack only when he's attack. His Semblance gives him a good balance of defense and support but with a risk to himself and Allies if they aren't careful. [u]Strengths and Weaknesses:[/u] + Excellent Defenses + Strong Melee Attacks + Useful Supportive Semblance - Lacks any sort of range attacks - Semblance is dangerous if it's not used carefully - Slow fighter [u]Semblance:[/u] Time Heals all Wounds - Samson has a unique Semblance, limited time manipulation. When Samson activates his Semblance all injuries are healed and all pain is gone to the people within his Semblance's field of effect, as well as their stamina and Aura is restored but people within the Semblance field can still be hurt. But once the Semblance has stopped or a person within the area of effect leaves, they are returned to the state they were previously and worse if the got hurt within the Semblance's field. [/center] [/hider] [/quote] I'd like to give some imput, but keep in mind that this is only my opinion. Take it with a grain of salt. Your character, so far, looks good, however two things bother me. The weapons: In Rwby-verse there is one instance of a laser ant that was with Penny, but she is a. A self-willed robot built by a genius, and b. That could have been her aura if she has one. But besides that, Everyone has metal weapons or some such, so your character's weapons are a lot more advanced. The semblance: Its okay, but its both underpowered, and overpowered. Keep in mind that Semblances use Aura, which is like an hp/mp gauge in a video game. Once its drained to zero, they are dead. An ability like that, would be great for plot purposes, but if you don't want to be a kind of deus ex machina, I would suggest a different aura. However, If you really like that idea, then keep it.