Anna tensed up when Jocelyn mentioned the Russo-Georgian War and the Assassination of the Russian president, a act Anna had been accused of by both enemies and friends alike but also a act she denies having any part in to this day, an action that cost her much suffering in the long winter nights of the Siberian Gulag. Anna was grateful that the CIA got her out of there, but that didn't mean she felt she was entitled to give them information, and the only reason why she was on this mission was because the alternative was death, which is why she glared at Jocelyn with bitterness. Annas disposition increased slightly when Jocelyn mentioned that their target was the GLF. Anna was once sympathetic to their cause but when the assassination happened the GLF were eager to pin the blame on Anna, a "rogue mercenary that has no connects to the GLF", because in their naivety they thought they could both strike with a hired gun and not get the blame for it. Anna was happy to get back at the bastards. When Jocelyn mentioned the no extraction policy Anna was certain that the life and soul had been sucked out of each and every one of her compatriots, she herself included. Anna was not a fan of the idea, many of her fellow prisoners in the Gulag were there and went through unnecessary pain because of bureaucratic decisions that were solely about cost-benefit analysis, hearing their stories while mining the salt always made her wonder what she would do in their situation of being left behind, perhaps she was about to find out. However, judging by Evelyn's reaction and Max's determination to leave no man behind she had faith that, that would not be happening and her comrades would have her back, as she would have theirs. Anna, gave a nod to Max and Muffy and departed back to her room, to finish her book and await deployment to the Motherland.