[color=violet]Valencia Tempest The Quick-witted Pirate with a Gentle Heart [/color] ***** Cináed’s answers hadn’t eased Valencia’s mind at all. In fact, they left her with more questions than before; as well as the intense need to give that man a piece of her mind (and maybe a punch or two to his infuriatingly well-chiseled jawbone). She glanced over at Caleb, who had emerged from his now-incinerated hiding spot and introduced himself, asking whether Valencia was going to hold a grudge against him or not. Without his gun in her face, Valencia was much less intimidated by Caleb, and she shrugged. [color=violet]“Fine. No grudge,”[/color] she told him. [color=violet]“For now, at least.”[/color] Valencia turned back towards the village she and Robyn had decided to check out. [color=violet]“Don’t know about you two, but I’m not sticking around here just because that cape-wearing pretty-boy told us to.”[/color] She started walking towards the village, not waiting to see if the other two were following or not. [@jordy0403] [@LizLegend]