And just like that the enemy began vanishing, withdrawing. Kat, flooded with adrenalin and excitement was aching to just chase them down and finish what she begun. After all there was now three of them against the two. "Relax, calm down, think." She told herself with a deep breath as she relaxed into her seat letting the tension ease from her muscles while her fingers run a heat scan. 'It's not worth the cost' It was over and she got out pretty much unscathed. That makes it a good day! Having worked with and for various pilots before she knew there was only one thing worse then attaining expensive damages to a FRAME, and that was losing it to your enemy. "... Oh shit!..." Snow leopard pounced into motion as she punched down the accelerator. In the exact moment of that thought she noticed one heat signature stand out above the rest as it continues to rise. Without thought or hesitation she instantly charged at it. Every sensory input was targeted towards that friendly Barghest, "Open the cockpit, get ready to jump!" Her frantic yell delivered at that machine on a loop through all multiple frequencies and audio methods. Kat could be wrong, she was running on gut instincts with a few hints of interpreted data. If she was wrong, well she would look like a fool and they would laugh at her application. But if she was right... She didn't want to think about it, if she was right it meant she might be getting a new paint job, a fresh red coat of Panther innards... Had to move fast. Seconds away from rendezvousing with who ever was in that Barghest, Kat hits a straight road, wedges the accelerator up with her knee as she balanced herself on the control board and struggled with the physical manual override for the cockpit window. "Open up you bastard," She curses at it as she hastily approached her target. With a groan and one last exertion of strength the cockpit hisses as fresh air floods in on a gush of thundering winds, stealing the breath from her lungs and billowing her hair around her face. "Fuck!" Through squinted eyes Kat could make out the Barghest, she thinks she saw someone in an open cockpit. She was too close and it was growing too fast. Her leg dropped off the accelerator, she wasn't in proper position to take back control. She tried to slide back down into her seat, the buffeting winds made it hard to move or see, the flashing lights and warning alarms only a distraction. Almost driving blind, she locks her Zaruga into a skid that she guesses is still on a crash course with the Barghest. As he jumps, if he jumps, she is going to have to punch the empty mech to the side then unlock the brakes and keep moving. "Don't think about what could go wrong, don't think about it." Kat tries to tell herself, but all she can hear is the heavy beating of her heart over the chaos of her cockpit, and all she can see is the image in her head of a deadly scrambled mess of damaged FRAME's pinning herself and some innocent young pilot down, just waiting to explode. "C'mon, the rest is up to you." She whispers to the stranger.