[quote=@Valor] Do the hunters have any special exceptions for weapons? Such as a "Get out of jail free" card for carrying something like a concealed sawn off double barreled shotgun? (Typically illegal.) Also, your mention of "anything you can reasonably find" was a bit vague, so would you give me something a little more concise? Would the hunters be working with weapons bought from standard weapons retailers (And thus typically restricted to non-assault versions of things.) or would they have special military grants and be given things that are normally banned from standard sale? Sorry, I'm a bit of a gun nut so specifics are important. [/quote] I can answer that question for you. As stated before, hunters are pretty much not sanctioned so if you're caught with an illegal weapon yeah, no exceptions. However, Hunters are already doing illegal shit so go ahead and use an assault version if you'd like. Just don't expect yourself to have really HEAVY weaponry. Also if the cops come knocking around, you would be persecuted like any other criminal. It's basically a sign of "The Society" succeeding in their goal of blending in and vampires becoming fantasy, and as a result hunters are viewed as serial killers. Though generally in practice with enough time/connections you would be able to get machine guns of the sort, just know that it isn't cost effective. (You're working with a civilian budget here) SO just spamming bullets isn't the smartest choice either. After all, a well placed molotov cocktail is gonna be cheaper than buying .50 cal ammo all the time, and more practical. (Not to mention the cops aren't going to go nuts over someone having a molotov than a machine gun) Again, most hunters don't have high end jobs where they can buy the BEST weapons. Just look at mine and Exodus's. Exodus's is a rare case where he does actually have the moola, so he has a pistol, a shotgun, and a rifle, while mine only has a shotgun. He also has to buy ammo for all three guns. That being said, you can reasonably have assault weapons. Just know you're gonna have to be able to keep these weapons out of sight at times, so concealment is something you'd have to deal with. While it may not be ILLEGAL to necessarily own some of these assault weapons, walking with one in broad daylight is going to bring attention to you.