Welp. Those answers did not help [i]at all[/i]. Were they even answers? Well they kind of were sort of? Robyn could only release a slow but harsh exhale to keep herself collected, and she let her hand hang loose after pulling it away from near her shotgun as CinĂ¡ed left elsewhere. Wasn't exactly the best, but it had to be worth asking. She didn't get a good idea, but if Robyn's group were in this 'realm' too then they were bound to bump into each other eventually. Unless...what if they were left behind? Apparently, the Lurker, or rather Caleb, came out of his burned out hiding spot before introducing himself and making peace with Valencia for now. Robyn watched Valencia turn towards the village and head off there, with Robyn straightening herself up. "Yea. I'm tired of standing around the same place." Robyn put a hand on the back of her neck and stretched it as she went on and followed Valencia with the same designated destination, also not waiting to see if Caleb would come along or not. It felt like it was time to move on a long time ago. [@ariplotter] [@jordy0403]