[center][h3][color=plum]Lucinda Giséle[/color][/h3][color=silver][i]Morning | Castle Clandstein Dining Hall[/i][/color] [@Cultural Titan] | [@Cubix] | [@The_written_John] | [@Cuccoruler][/center][hr] Lucinda was very pleased with the simple spread of food before her. Sariel truly knew her well, to offer her what seemed like such a mundane breakfast. Nothing fancy or over the top; just good and honest food to start the day with. A maid carefully used a spatula to slide a soft cooked egg onto a piece of lightly grilled bread. Lucinda would be lying if she said she didn't enjoy the more lavish, extraordinary meals that the kitchen had produced on many occasion. However, every now and then she really appreciated these quiet, simpler times. You just never know how long they will last. Already the conversation at the table had turned back to Rida and her behaviour. Although Lucinda tried to be supportive of her daughter to prevent her from feeling like a black sheep, she couldn't help but feel the disapproval from Alistair and Sariel. Lethonel stood up for his sister, which warranted a pleasant smile from his mother. Never failing to see the good in others was a very favorable trait of the young boy. Rida looked to be pouting, explaining her intention to lighten the mood around the castle. Lucinda didn't envy Sariel or Alistair right now. Being on Rida's bad side only made you more likely to be a victim of much more sinister tricks. Lethonel interjected with his idea of Rida joining him on his task. "[color=Plum]Splendid idea! It sounds like a fantastic way for you and Rida to spend some quality time together.[/color]" Lucinda stared back at Alistair and Sariel, beaming. They still seemed a little mad at Rida. Even Alistair muttered a comment on how he'd prefer to punish the girl. Lucinda gently rested her hand on Sariel's lap. "[color=Plum]Let it go, darling. You weren't much different in your youth. I remember once when we were only just betrothed you-[/color]" Lucinda stopped herself, staring at Lethonel and Rida. "[color=plum]Oh, but perhaps that story should be saved for another time.[/color]" The Queen's cheeks flushed red, even more so than usual. She was glad she was able to bite her tongue before sharing a rather scandalous memory from her youth in front of such innocent ears. Clearing her throat, Lucinda stood from her chair and nodded her head in gratitude to the maids. They responded with deep bows to their Queen before scurrying off to clean up her plate. "[color=Plum]I'm sorry to cut this short, but we must make haste. Our guests will be arriving shortly and I want all of us there at the main gate to greet them. I know, there are a thousand things you'd rather do on such a lovely day, but it would mean a lot to your father if you were all present.[/color]" Lucinda addressed the children with her plea. She wasn't too fond of greeting her husband's court either, but she knew that if they treated them respectfully they'd be more willing to listen to Sariel. [center][h3][color=black]Nyarlathotep[/color][/h3][color=silver][i]Morning - The Abyss Labyrinth[/i][/color] [@Legion02] | [@Cuccoruler] | [@Cultural Titan][/center][hr] The Dark Lord watched with an almost beast like thirst as their subordinates presented themselves to Nyarlathotep one by one. A leader of a Vampire clan, a dragon knight and a vengeful ghost of a man were among the few that stood out. The creature of the abyss slowly moved down from their throne of black ooze. The masses parted as their lord walked through them. "[color=black]Children of Dark,[/color]" the ominous voices of the Dark Lord rang through the minds of all present. Those of weaker hearts even found themselves feeling nauseous in Nyarlathitep's presence. "[color=black]Today we make us known to the world. The town of Okly is under siege as we speak. Yet, this is not enough. To the nobility of this wretched land, my followers are simpletons worshiping a false idol. Their acts will only ever be considered the acts of madmen.[/color]" Nyarlathotep raised it's hand to the ceiling, and the ground began to tremble. People could feel their bodies shaking, and some even felt as though their heads were about to burst. From the tips of their fingers, Nyaralthotep blasted a large beam of darkness that cut through the depths of the labyrinth. Sunlight shone down on Nyarlathotep, giving it's followers a good look at the face of darkness. "[color=Black]We depart for Okly. Today, I will make myself known. They will tremble before me as they realise that their darkest nightmares are now a reality.[/color]" There was a loud cheer from the group. The Dark Lord had been inactive for quite some time, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. As Nyarlathotep took to the sky with the powerful beating of it's wings, it's followers jumping and climbing up the hole eagerly, it became clear that now was the time for Dark to make the first move.