I particularly dislike when people complain about others ignoring their character when their character is 'lone wolf' and 'edgy' and the person playing them makes no attempt to even try to interact with anyone. It's especially ridiculous when they write up their IC post and what's happening? They're fucking off by themselves and making it doubly hard on people to interact with them. Everyone's chatting each other up in a booth or at a bar? Let's go brood in the corner and then expect every single character to migrate towards mine. That makes sense. Because, in real life, I look at someone who's staring daggers at anyone who walks by and think to myself, "Let's go say hi to that fellow." No, he or she doesn't look like they want to be disturbed, so I won't disturb them. Thus, unless my character is oblivious or a nit-wit, then they're probably 99% thinking the same thing. I don't have a problem with very introverted, anti-hero characters (or just edgy characters in general), as long as they're written well and provide something to the story, or you're at least attempting to keep them in the loop. I had a friend who successfully pulled off an enigma of a character who interacted with at least one individual every post, and moved the plot along. I just have an issue with the people who make long posts of only filler about their character's nihilism and endless brooding in a dark corner and then proceed to ask why no one is interacting with them. One, if you don't make the effort to at least attempt to garner interest from another character while also attempting to move the plot forward, then why would we bother? Two, I stopped reading after the first sentence's exposition on why Satan should be world leader, so apologies if I proceeded to ignore what you're character did or said. (that's a lie, i probably skimmed the post to find anything worth note. and most likely the second sentence to determine if this would be purposefully hilarious or just more satanic nihilism.) Luckily, I've seen less and less of these characters recently. Or no, people. I've seen less people demanding why're their character is being ignored. I've actually seen an abundance of woe is me characters. I've also been guilty of them, as well. Maybe it's that trap of, "I need a flaw," and, "I can't make a Mary Sue; that'd be humiliating," kind of thinking that then spirals in to Batman, the Dark Knight Rises 2.0 (ft. Raven's [adoptive?]Daddy Issues).