[hider=Hayden Anderson] [i][center][h2][u][color=aba000]Hayden[/color][/u][/h2] [img]https://i.ytimg.com/vi/mQ08tgfCOVU/mqdefault.jpg[/img] "I don't know why I'm here, it seems like a hell for the guilty. I swear, I'm innocent, I don't know why I'm here too.[/center][/i] [color=aba000]Name:[/color] [indent]Hayden Amadilia[/indent] [color=aba000]Gender:[/color] [indent]Male[/indent] [color=aba000]Age:[/color] [indent]31[/indent] [color=aba000]Appearance:[/color] [indent]Hayden is a soft-spoken, fair skinned woman standing at 5 foot 7 inches, her chocolate hair always combed and washed to a shine to counter the darkness of her dark beige eyes. She by no means the fast or strongest (although she was the high school track star at one short point), but her athletic enough to get herself out of trouble. Don't ask her to stay in a constant fight though, Hayden's stamina won't keep up. In the Dream, Hayden wears a dark blue tunic and sturdy brown pants, covered in leather armor pieces that have been boiled and hardened. Beautiful engravings and leatherwork decorate the armor pieces. A shawl and a hood have been included in her outfit.[/indent] [color=aba000]Magic:[/color] [indent]Hayden has innate Blood magic abilities, most often used to force an enemy to stay put by forcing blood down into the feet at a speed which can cause a great amount of pain. He seems also be able to physically draw out blood with his strikes and increase his damage as even a small blade can scar a bloody wound in his hands.[/indent] [color=aba000]Weapons:[/color] [indent]Serrated Blood - A rather gruesome weapon for a less refined age; this one-handed cleaver is Hayden's primary weapon against the monsters of the Dream. Its a straight blade with a surprisingly comfortable wooden handle with one edge being a simple sharp edge and the other a sawtooth serrated edge. Its advisable for anyone concerned about their health or well being to not be hit by neither edge. [hider=Appearance] [img]http://www.zombiesplayground.com/images/Product/large/MC-MT-20-09T.png[/img] [/hider] Oathkeeper - A beautifully crafted pistol carried by the sworn protectors of important nobles and even royalty. By tradition, uses have to cut their hand and let the blood cover the barrel of the weapon as a sign of unwavering loyalty to their liege. It is said that this practice also gives the weapon better accuracy when using blood bullets [hider=Appearance] [img]http://www.outfit4events.cz/runtime/cache/images/productFull/hs64125-01_02.JPG[/img] [/hider] Wardenshot - An interesting variation of a pistol which doesn't fire bullets, but more like literal chain-shots that have a nasty claw grabber on the end. The chain can then be pulled back like a grappeling gun with the use of a circular mechanism on the weapon. It was said that this weapon was a favorite of thief-catchers and guards who'd bury the serrated claw into their target to catch them for even more gruesome torture. [hider=Appearance] [img]http://bloodborne.wdfiles.com/local--files/repeating-pistol/Repeating_Pistol.png[/img] [/hider][/indent] [color=aba000]Personality:[/color] [indent]Hayden has a rather cynical outlook on this new predicament but in all remains a fairly jovial and amicable person. She has an air of innocence around her with a child-like curiousity of her rather morbid surroundings. She's also a very forgetful person who can and will mix up facts, names and locations. She doesn't even remember his past outside of glimpses and flashbacks but assures herself she had a very enjoyable, stable job and a family. While she won't exactly get lost, its best not to trust her navigation abilities unless you want to take a [i]very[/i] scenic route. She's also surprisingly modest and humble but is hung over by self-doubt and a more morbid curiosity of the world. Unaffected by the violence and gruesome nature of her surroundings, she questions what she actually was before coming here but will cover her own tracks and insist her innocence on her actions in gatherings.[/indent] [color=aba000]Bio:[/color] [indent]Hayden doesn't know what she was before entering the Wasted Dreams. She remembers being rushed to the hospital after a truck plowed into the police car she was in and something about being convicted of murder but... she was innocent? She had to be, she knows wouldn't murder in cold blood. Yeah, she was an entertainer of sorts? She had a really pretty dress and had a good voice and she remembers some magic tricks. Yeah, she must have been a magician or something, not the kind who'd kill people. Yeah... she was innocent... she had to be...[/indent] [color=aba000]Other:[/color] [hider=Theme] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2UuY196_euA[/youtube] [/hider] [/hider]