[quote=@Lalliman] Ah, I see now that the main post doesn't mention it very clearly. In the earlier iterations we worked with the assumption that each race is most innately talented in the magic of their island, meaning light for humans and fire for lycanthropes. We all rolled with the standard race-element combinations back then. I assume those standard combinations still exist, though Kushi probably doesn't mind you playing against the stereotype. Just note, when designing your background, that a lycanthrope specialized in light magic would be very rare. Edit: Oh, and about the ages, being younger is probably fine (though I don't wanna speak for Kushi), but it's not the intention per se. This isn't an anime setting where the main characters are expected to be 14 or younger :P [/quote] Mmmm I'll wait for the gm before changing anything because I want to be sure I'll change the age too. I did get a bit confused because there was a mention of schooling so I thought our characters would be on the younger side