[color=088a68][center][h1]Rineska Beauchene[/h1][/center][/color] She had left early that morning, in the radiance of the rising sun. Rineska walked along a deer path towards a small port town on Sweden’s southern coastline. With the desire to see the ocean, the girl had continued on an independent journey. Her boots crunched into the dead leaves and snow that littered the ground. The sunshine reached through the bare trees and thick clouds to cast its light onto her armor. Refracted light from her armor gave hidden portions of the underbrush light it hadn't seen in a long time. Rina’s eyes moved towards a sound of rustling to her right and her left hand slowly drew her sword. The girl was expecting some sort of creature to come out, instead it was a man. “please!!!” he started. “The monster destroyed everything. I-it's gonna kill me. I'll give you what ever you want just please help me!” the man finished. Judging by his cloths he must be some sort of noble. They were brightly colored with flecks of gold. His hair had once been styled. However, most likely due his great escape, was now dangling loose and dirty. “[color=088A68]I don't run blindly. What is this creature that pledges you?[/color]” Rina asked as she pulled a dark red ribbon from her armor to tie her hair back with. “it came from the earth. Rising when you walk upon it. I-it flattens everything around it, and, and it's huge with rock for skin.” the noble man had described a creature that Rina knew well. Sliding her sword back onto her hip, she nodded to the man but offered no comfort to ease his state of man. Only turning slightly west, Rineska backtracked the nobles path. What she found at the end wasn't the creature he had described to her. This creature was smaller, winged, and definitely not herbal. Before she could grab a hold of her sword, she herself was released off the ground. With the beast's mouth clamped down on her sword shoulder, she thrashed trying to get loose. The beast tightens its hold on her shoulder, before it took off into the sky. As the creature flew Rina swung her legs. Giving up on pulling herself free, and giving herself some momentum to reach the blades in her boot. Eventually managing to reach inside her boot with her right hand, she pulled a poisoned blade out. With a hard slash she struck the flying creature. Her blade plunging into its wing. It was only then did it let go of her. Lucky for her they hadn't gotten to high. At first she had thought that she was going to land on the roof of a building, but before she knew it she was falling through into the local tavern. There was a sudden silence before the creature screeched. [color=088a68]”it's coming”[/color] Rineska said staring up at the hole she had made.