[center][img] http://i.imgur.com/yOtamBE.png?1[/img] [b]G O T H A M C I T Y[/b] [sub]T H E N A R R O W S [color=royalblue][b]January 1st, 2016[/b][/color][/sub][/center] “Hey Harper, the funeral is on!” The sudden shout made Harper jump slightly from where she was perched in the bathroom, leaning forward on the sink in front of the mirror. Ignoring her brother, Harper continued to adjust her hair slightly, pushing the streaks of purple and blue back atop her head, mixing in a touch of gel as she did so. Confident with her look, she ran her hands down the back of her neck before giving a quickly smile to her reflection. Turning and grabbing one of her metallically armoured boots from the floor, Harper backed down onto the toilet seat. It had been a rough few days. Although that was only natural for those who lived in Gotham. Particularly for the inhabitants of the Narrows. While the big man in blue’s death seemed to result in the rest of the country somewhat holding its breath, the war against life raged on in Gotham. Sure spirits seemed lower than usual, but that didn’t seem to put a stop to the villainy that roamed the streets. It had barely given Harper any time to relax during the holiday season; although it wasn’t like it was much of a holiday for them in the first place. She and Cullen barely made enough money each month to pay rent, yet alone buy presents for one another. Their tree was a homemade monstrosity creating using scraps Harper had come across during her patrols, the star taken from the destroyed neon sign of a strip club. One might think that their presents to each other were lackluster too. Harper’s gift to Cullen was an old Batarang she had scavenged from her first encounter with the Batman. Cullen’s gift was a shoddy necklace he had made in school. A necklaces of a bluebird. However despite how terrible these gifts may seem, they loved them. Harper hadn’t taken her’s off since Cullen had given it to her. She even wore it now as she left the bathroom in her crime fighting attire. Harper slowly made her aware across the sparse room, approaching the tattered old sofa on which Cullen was sat. It took him several moments to draw his eyes away from the TV, with its cracked screens displaying Superman’s apparent cousin making some grand speech on a podium. Cullen’s smile lowered slightly when he spotted Harper’s costume. “I.. I thought you were staying in tonight?” He asked, sounding slightly irritated. “I thought that you wanted to watch the funeral?” “I’m sorry Cullen, but I’m pretty sure that every piece of scum in this city won’t be home watching this thing and someone needs to go kick their ass.” Harper lent in as she spoke, grabbing a handful of popcorn was Cullen’s bowl before using her other hand to ruffle his hair slightly. “Record it with the DVR, I’ll watch it with you!” “Promise?” “Promise.” With that, Harper slid her mask onto her face and headed towards the fire escape, chowing down on the popcorn as she walked. With mind was filled on what excitement was to come, she opened the window and began to climb outside, glancing back towards Cullen and the TV as she did so. Catching site of something on the television, she paused. Giving the shot of Superman’s infamous ‘S’ a short salute, Harper set off into the night.