[b]Name:[/b] Bula Do’Gash [b]Race:[/b] Orc [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] 42 [b]Birthday:[/b] Jedayan 258 [b]Birthplace:[/b] Screamwatch [b]Resides in:[/b] Her Camp [b]Occupation:[/b] Monster/Bounter Hunter [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://tuskmountain.wdfiles.com/local--files/immu2/immu.JPG[/img] [b]Personality:[/b] A rather rugged exterior brought about by years of hunting monsters and criminals, Bula is a crass, blunt, and only cares for how much She and her sisters will get paid. She is loyal to a very select few, meaning she is only loyal to her sisters and if she happens to make any other friends she could possible become loyal to them as well. When it comes to a bounty though she will be merciless and always follow through with the task set befor her no matter how difficult it may seem. [b]History:[/b] The Sisters have been together for all their lives, and Bula being the oldest has always been the leader of the four of them. One day at a young age they were found by a older Orc male who took them as his wives. He taught them his trade bringing them further into the fold of hunting down bounties, teaching them the tricks of taking down different monsters. For years they travelled together the Orc hunter known as Gabrash constantly trying to get the four female pregnant, but they always took measures to ensure they wouldn’t. They began to despise the male Orc who treated them like property every night while at the same time had them do most of the work and even complete most of the kills and then take credit for them himself. It was after he grew angry with the youngest of the sisters and used her as bait for a dragon that they decided enough was enough. Leshy survived, but Bula had had enough and so while Gabrash slept they snuck into his tent, and with bursts of rage, they castrated, decapitated, and dismembered the male Orc. They dumped his body parts in the river and continued the trade he had taught them. They hunted, monsters, beasts, and man all the same accumulating quite a reputation for thmselves in the process. They became most known for their hunting of dragons having kill six in total. Though most of them were younglings they had in fact killed one young adult. Many people sought their services to rid areas of creatures or to attain certain alchemical ingredients that would otherwise be far too hazardous to harvest themselves. [b]Skills:[/b] BodyBuilding: 10 Two Handed Melee Weapon (Great Axe): 20+30 Racial Bonus 50 Leadership: 20 Wilderness Survival: 10 Trapping: 10 Hunting: 10 Climbing: 10 [b]Possessions:[/b] 1: 2 handed Great Axe (silver) 280 GP 1: Donkey (pack) 8 gp 1:Survival Kit 53 GP, 4 SP, 4 CP 1: Saddlebags Large 8GP 1: Breastplate Steel 200 GP 1: Greaves 60 GP 1: Explorers Outfit 10 GP 1: Travellers Cloak 1 GP 1: Vambraces 60 GP 1: Climbing Kit 80 GP 1: Hammer 5 SP 1: Grappling Hook 1 GP 10: Rope Hemp (10 ft)10 GP 3: Chain (10 FT) 30 GP 3: 25 Foot Heavy Hunting Net (75 Feet) Hooked, weighted 48 GP [b]Ledger:[/b] 200gp+1000=1200-849GP, 9SP, 4CP 350 GP 96 CP +5GP per Day Income -2 SP per day living -2 SP Per day Per Companion Living [b]Companions[/b] [hider=Morka Do’Gash] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/66/2f/ef/662fef47e77faaf648cec758785b3e57.jpg[/img] Name: Morka Do’Gash Age: 39 Gender: Female Race: Orc Specialization: Stealth, Ranged [/hider] [hider=Pasho Do’Gash] [img]https://40.media.tumblr.com/2aa0485f1faca6125cf503e9213d8579/tumblr_ntk2je2nYW1sn3ne4o1_500.jpg[/img] Name: Pasho Do’Gash Age: 37 Gender: Female Race: Orc Specialization: Tracking, Melee[/hider] [hider=Leshy Do’Gash] [img]http://hextcg.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/TetalcaOrcGladiator-Finer.jpg[/img] Name: Leshy Do’Gash Age: 35 Gender: Female Race: Orc Specialization: Dual Wielding Melee[/hider] [b]Story List:[/b]