80% Awesome, 10% Nostalgia, 10% Too Much Nostalgia. Like mdk mentioned, biggest selling point (and overall improvement) is that the dialogue is about ten times wittier and snappier than the prequels, and at least half again that of the originals. [Hider=Vague Spoiler Warning] Also, the villain is probably in the running for best yet, at least in a three-part race with the Emperor and Vader. The couple of scenes where he loses his shit and sabers the crap out of his surroundings are brilliant, and are a welcome change from the stoic not-so-different from Jedi except lightning hands villains of the past. Also, he's been set up well for future installments alongside the two new protagonists, who are excellent, with the female lead genuinely being an excellent actor, which is very optimistic. Also the villain actually utilizes the force, a lot and in new ways, which was always going to be a plus. No real disappointments overall, only some slight issues and the perhaps overly nostalgic story-line which mirrors episode 4 just a little too closely, to the point where it got a -little- distracting. Everything else was awesome. [/hider]