[center][img]http://orig09.deviantart.net/9251/f/2009/009/2/5/steampunk_cozy_by_vanheist.jpg[/img] [h3][color=324AB2]Highball[/color][/h3][/center] [hider=Highball][color=324AB2][b]Name: [/b][/color] Otsune AKA Highball [color=324AB2][b]Gender:[/b][/color] Female [color=324AB2][b]Age: [/b][/color] 29 [color=324AB2][b]Appearance:[/b][/color] Standing at a rather petite 5' exactly, Highball is a slender woman of Japanese ethnicity. Her somewhat scruffy black hair is naturally oily, but maintained with enough care to give it an almost blue sheen. While she wears it no more than chin-length for the most part, she has a ponytail that reaches halfway down her back. Her hazel eyes are bright and reflect light a touch more than normal, and her soft features typically wear a calm expression. Her thin figure has only two outstanding features: a rather long neck and a rather ample chest, both of which are hallmarks of her family's female line. In terms of attire, Highball dresses in a longcoat of gray and pale blue, flexible striped leggings, and thick-soled shoes to keep out unsavory fluids. Fingerless gloves, a white ascot, and a striped scarf complete the look, as well as hiding her neck. Quite often, she wears a black top hat with a red band, more for naively aesthetic purposes than functionality. Overall, Highball's garb is very lightweight, and facilitates her highly agile fighting style. [color=324AB2][b]Magic:[/b][/color] None [color=324AB2][b]Weapon:[/b][/color] [b][url=http://img03.deviantart.net/f4b0/i/2015/148/9/6/bloodborne_fanart___ravenclaw_weapon_idea_by_daemonstar-d8v2ul1.jpg]Ravenclaw[/url][/b] – a weapon with three forms. Formerly the leg of some monstrous carrion bird, it was chopped off and lovingly fashioned by its previous owner. Rigor mortis combined with special preserving oils shrunk the claw down to incredibly-tough but still pliable hide on top of bones; the smith then cut into the bones and threaded chains through their hollow interiors. The three forms are.. . [b]Cane,[/b] where the claws are all pressed together. The fastest form, best for bludgeoning and carrying. [b]Rake,[/b] where the claws are spread out. They slice through flesh, flaying the skin and horrifically wounding the tissues beneath. Devastating against large beasts and living things in general, but slow. [b]Flail,[/b] where the chains have been let out and the claws dangle from them. Like a cat-o'-nine-tails, they can cleave meat from bones. Handy against small beasts and humanoid foes, with good range, but slow. [color=324AB2][b]Personality:[/b][/color] The mindset Highball adopted when first faced with the World of Wasted Dreams gave rise to a character rather different from her original personality. In the previous world, Otsune was compassionate, quiet, poetic, clever, thankful, considerate, gracious, and highly spiritual. Given a new lease on life in this place, however, her natural, real-life traits are commonly masked the the persona of Highball. Highball is energetic, outgoing, willful, ready to hurt and kill if need be, and greatly assertive. She is a huntress who prefers to act rather than think, a thrill-seeker and competitor. When fighting beasts, she shows a merciless and savage side, perhaps imagining them to embody all the immorality that her spirit strove against before. Against humans, nothing pleases her more than to mock, irritate, enrage, and humiliate them. All of this, however, doesn't so much mask her previous self as it does filter to the top of it. Highball still doesn't talk much, preferring to embarrass and annoy via gesture, traps, counters, turning foes' strength against them, and the like. She will never steal and won't often lie, and those that do not deserve to be hurt will not only be spared, but receive her protection. She never takes a blessing for granted, and always appreciates help and camaraderie. If the situation calls for wits, her keen intellect will bubble to the surface. Always, she strives to act with the sort of grace and professionalism she thinks befits someone serving God. [color=324AB2][b]Bio:[/b][/color] No amount of hard work, love, or previous fortune can prevent an ordinary woman, working alongside her husband in religious ministries, from dire misfortune. At the age of 26, Otsune found herself afflicted with a fast-working cancer. For a while, the spiritual woman wondered why God might allow such a thing to happen despite the blamelessness with which she lived her life, but ultimately, she did not lose her faith. Gradually, she embraced her coming death, and with the time she had left found more meaning and love in her life than ever before. Nevertheless, when her husband found out that a place of healing in a far-off land might be able to save her, the two journeyed across towns, hills, and plains to see if God might provide for her after all. After her arrival at the hospital, Otsune underwent conventional treatment, but nothing availed her. Saddened but unbroken, Otsune bid a tearful but smiling farewell to her grief-stricken husband, and lay down for one last procedure -a blood transfusion- before the world went dark. Otsune awoke in the World of Wasted Dreams. Confused at first, she quickly came to believe that out of His love and mercy, God had given her an incredible dream so that she might have the adventure of her life before passing on. With this in mind, Otsune set out to make her way in this wasted world, becoming the elegant but deadly hero -Highball- she'd always dreamed of as a child, and though she doesn't believe this nightmare to be real, she doesn't wish to leave it just yet, either.[/hider]