Appearance: [hider=Her Appearance][center][img=][/center][/hider] Name: Quinn "Q" Winslow Age: 24 Height: 5'9 Weight: 152 pounds Occupation: Stripper Personality: Quinn is fairly upbeat for someone who relies on stripping as a job. She generally doesn't take crap from anybody and will protect those that she loves, but it's hard to get on her good side. She always expects people to be worse than they are and it takes a while for anyone to prove themselves to her. Quinn usually doesn't talk to anybody unless it's someone she knows and likes or if someone starts a conversation with her. Bio: Quinn could have had a good life, but that life would have been hard to find. She hopped between fosters homes at an alarming rate. Foster families found her confusing as they never knew how to please her and get a true smile to grace her lips. What she had wanted most in the world was to be adopted. A good family would have been fine, she wasn't too picky. She just wanted a safe and secure house. It didn't matter what the family was made up of as long as she wasn't in danger from any of them and could go to school and such. But once you get to a certain age, your chances at being adopted drops, and her chances were never very high. Both of her parents had been alcoholics who abused drugs every now and then, and as such she had been removed from their custody at her birth. Once she turned 18 Quinn was kicked out onto the streets to make a living of her own. After countless jobs at McDonald's and even a few waitressing jobs, she found herself unable to hold an apartment or to care for herself. One day she was able to get a career as a stripper, once she walked through the doors of the club, she never walked out. Other: She swore that she would never waitress or work at a fast food joint ever again. What's a few dances if it pays the rent?