[center][color=FCB514][h1][b][i]~Lang Monyethabeng~[/i][/b][/h1][/color] [img]https://31.media.tumblr.com/11300d9edbe3aab0b54a03e4c0503c37/tumblr_mkmz9zr2Lm1qhpoofo1_500.gif[/img][/center] Lang walked up a hill. It was the seventeenth hill in this damn hilly countryside. There weren’t this many hills where he came from. He heard a small yip from his left ear, undoubtedly Zuko complaining about the bumpiness of the ride. Lang stopped, and cocked his head at the tiny fox sarcastically. [color=FCB514]“Well I don’t suppose you want to start carrying me, do you?”[/color] He asked. Zuko responded with a small lick to Lang’s cheek [color=FCB514]“well that’s what I thought”[/color] Lang answered continuing on down the seventeenth hill. It was as he was walking down this seventeenth hill, as he finally rounded the bend on his journey that he saw it, Camp Half-Blood. His mother had told him so much about it, she had perfectly described it. From the large gate opening it’s maw to the world inviting in demigods, to the powerful pines that rose up to reach the sky, even the lake defining the camp’s back. Somehow this small summer camp for troubled, yet super powered teens seemed to stretch miles. Lang was baffled. He set foot inside the gate and was immediately overtaken by commotion. Men and women alike were carrying things, moving others and sparring, just out in the field. It was his kind of camp alright. He quickly found himself staring at the cabins, didn’t take too long after all. He knocked on the door which slowly peaked open to a sunset paint job filled with oranges, yellows and reds. He took a note off of the back of the door which held with it an envelope with three keys. One for his room, one for the house and one for the infirmary. The note also included instructions to the infirmary, oddly enough Lang felt as though he understood them. The note explained that too, stating that as children of Apollo they held dominance over healing the sick and injured. Explained his natural talent with reading the instructions of the letter well enough. Lang through his bag on his door before he and Zuko departed, deciding to get the lay of the land rather than sit in an empty cabin. He found himself wandering around what seemed to be a dining pavilion, seemed simple enough. He waded through crowds of people and watched as they all took some of their food and dumped it into the fire, allowing it to billow out in smoke, seemed reasonable enough must’ve been some kind of proceeding that typically happened with their food. Worshipping their parents and all that. Lang quickly found himself trying to depart the pavilion, but somehow he ended up right back at the cabins. This time he went a different direction that he had when he had begun however quickly, once more he ended up at the pavilion. He looked up towards the trees attempting to deviate from his repeated path, but when it came to it he was shoddy with directions. Attempting to seek help at the cabins, he found himself at a stable instead. But it was inside this stable that he saw a girl, with black hair, as black as the night who seemed to radiate the light around her itself. He soon found that he was approaching her, even though he had not told his legs to make it so. And soon, he was standing beside her. During the midst of the current heart attack he was undergoing he attempted to make conversation. [color=FCB514]“I’m sorry to interrupt you, and your equine friend.”[/color] Lang said motioning towards the beautifully pale horse. [color=FCB514]“I’m lost and I seem to be Lang.”[/color] He said looking at her puzzled.