[center][h1]CIS Stronghold 185th Attack Battalion Captain Blade's Task force[/h1][/center] Captain Blade took cover behind a pillar as his task force once again came under fire. They were on the 6th level now and still had 4 more to go and the droids weren't getting any nicer. "Destroyers, incoming!" yelled a trooper as a squad of destroyers rolled to assist the battle droids. A hell-storm of blaster beams unleashed from the droid opposition and the troops returned fire. Blade scowled as he blasted a battle droid in the head and yelled to his Lieutenant "Get some bloody droid poppers out there!". The officer relayed the message and a few moments later, over a dozen EMP grenades were thrown to the mass of droids. A large, volatile electrical explosion followed and the troops finished off the destroyers, their shields gone and battle droid companions hunks of useless metal. A thick silence settled for a few moments before Wing started to reorganize the platoons to continue. Blade stepped out from behind cover and sighed, taking off his helmet to let the fresh air cool his face. The majority of the right side of his face was a burn scar from a SpecOps training mission and his right eye milky white from the damage. While having performed admirably, it wasn't enough to be accepted as a republic commando. But instead he got a company of men. Wing came up to him and gave him the report. "We lost over half a dozen men in that last skirmish. We have 52 men left, but they're all tired and more than half have minor wounds." Blade nodded and slid his helmet back on, he addressed the task force. "Only 4 more levels to go lads, remember, we were assigned this mission because we're the best damn company in the Legion and this is our chance to prove it. So let's move out!" This seemed to reinvigorate the remaining troops and they got to their feet, following Blade deeper into the base. It was hard fighting and at least a dozen more clones were killed trying to get to the reactor. Out of the 72 men that were assigned to this mission from Blade's company, there were only 40 left and the number was dwindling. "Frag out!" Blade yelled as he lobbed as grenade at the battle droids who were entrenched at the Reactor entrance. The ceiling turrets opened fire at the clones just as the explosion went off, taking out a turret and the majority of the guarding battle droids. The clones returned fire, and after several minutes of intense firefight, the guards were destroyed. "Get that reactor door open." Blade ordered, a tech clone jogged up to the door as the rest established a secure perimeter. After what seemed like an eternity of waiting, the clone finally got the door opened. "'Bout damn time." Corporal Sun muttered, who was carrying the charges. "Alright soldier, get in there and do your thing." Blade said, slapping him on the back as he passed the Captain. Sun nodded, stepping into the room cautiously, blaster at the ready. When there was no one in the room, he holstered his blaster and planted the charges with a few adjustments. "Good to go, Captain!" Sun confirmed, taking out his blaster and jogging out. "We have 10 minutes to get the hell out of here." [center]****[/center] Commander Zeta sprinted towards Commander Blue, telling his men to join the others in the main assualt. He saw the General leap over the downed LAAT with ease and into the fray. He slid into cover next to the Commander, taking a few potshots at some stray droids. "Sir, Blade and his men should have the shield down any moment now." As if on cue, an earth shaking[b][i] BOOM!!![/i][/b] rocked the stronghold and the surrounding area, the massive shield surrounding it dying and major parts of the base erupting into flame. Zeta smiled behind his helmet, knowing Blade would get the job done. "I believe that's our cue." he said, and pushed forward with the other men.