[color=00746b][center][h1]"Crow"[/h1][/center][/color] There are many dangers in this world, and by extension many things to fear. The danger caused by nature itself brings forth the fear of the elements. The danger presented by beasts and monsters bring about the fear of those creatures attacking. Hell, even people of the same species managed bring about paranoia by showing their own dangerous sides to others. in this world, there is almost nothing that involves danger that can't get at least a twinge of fear out of folks. Key word being "almost." There are acceptions, of course. One of these exceptions being liquor. What drives a person to its addictions? What does it have that lures people into its clutches? Troubled pasts? Worrying futures? A depressing situation of the present time? Maybe it was pressure that drew people to the bottle, and addiction simply kept bringing them back. In any case, there are many reasons why people turn to the drink, but there is a type of person that is known for their excessive guzzling of alcoholic beverages without any care for anyone else that may be around them. That type of person is a pirate. Even if they're retired pirates, they retain their habits. A high tolerance, from their addiction and constant drinking, a hearty laugh from the good spirits they down, a shot liver that may or may not have been shot with a bullet, and a strange fondness of rum. One such person was sitting alone at the counter of a tavern. He wasn't the most cheery person at the moment, but he wasn't really there to make friends. He was there to look for a beast to kill for coin. Though he didn't quite seem to be running out just yet, when a man has to rely on weapons alone, money becomes issue no matter how much a man has. Besides, he really was starting to run out anyway. He was also starting to run out of the drink he had. Meet the former pirate known as "Crow's Eye" or "Crow" for shorter. The man had been traveling from one place to another. In fact he had just arrived to this port town. Of course, his thirst needed to be quenched above all else, though he did have to find a creature to kill eventually. "[color=00746b]Bring me another bottle.[color]" "Sir", said the man running the tavern. "I don't think it's wise to be drinking this much. If you go out drunk, you might wander out and run into the creature stalking around here." This caused the old pirate to raise a brow. "[color=00746b]Creature, you say?[/color]" "Yes, sir. A monstrous-sounding creature's screeching has been getting louder and louder for the past few nights. I hear some people describe its shape, but nothing but rumors aside from that. Large thing with several wings, rock for skin, and whatnot." A smile found its way onto Crow's face. It seems he found some work after all. He had figured it would take him a while, or at least until he went further inland. It seems, however, that he was in luck this time. "[color=00746b]Sounds terrifying. Now what's a beastie like that doing around here?[/color] "No idea, sir. All I know is that it's been getting everyone on edge. We're not exactly prepared to fight against it, though I hear talk of some men trying gather others to hunt it down." "[color=00746b]There's nothin' wrong with a bit resolve, lad. Though, I doubt a few torches and pitchforks would be enough to handle whatever they may be facing...[/color]" A moment passed in silence between the two, before Crow sighed and said, "[color=00746b]Alright, fine. This'll be the last drink. Don't know why it worries you so much. I'm just an old man, after all.[/color]" Despite what he said, the old pirate followed up his words with a bit of laughter, while the man running the tavern sighed at the truth. He went and got another bottle, and opened it up before handing it over. The old pirate took a look at the bottle, inspecting it for what brand it was. Then he took a drink. When he placed it on the counter, he thought himself, [color=00746b][i]Maybe I'll head out tomorrow and bring back its head. I wonder how much coin they'd be willing to part with as thanks.[/i][/color] Then, as if luck wanted to hurry things right along, something odd happened. A woman fell through the roof. The debris that fell with her smashed Crow's bottle into shards and spilt liquor. A moment of silence passed before he yelled out a curse, which would be simultaneously drowned out by a monster's screech. He looked to the creature, and found it to be similar to the way the man had described it. There were differences, of course, but that was to be expected. In any case, Crow knew what this one was. "[color=00746b]An Aevis!? What is that doing here!?[/color]" Crow drew his sword from his side and charged at it, expecting the beast to jump down and bring the fight into the place. He was right, for as the other people began to run outside, the monster jumped down. It snapped its jaws at him, missing his body, but snapping his blade like a twig. "[color=00746b]Rusty piece of-[/color]" Crow stopped himself to focus on the fight. He pulled out one of his flintlock pistols and shot it as it made an attempt on the woman's life again. The scales were tough enough to bounce the shot into what was left of the ceiling, but the monster now looked his way and let out another screech.