[h3][color=6ecff6]Zacharie[/color] & [color=a36209]Vincent[/color][/h3] [hider= Before the Duel] Noticing the Frenchman's clueless to the prospect of the new archetype that Vincent had procured, Vincent nodded his head in response to the fact that yes the archetype was new. But was it really good, only time would tell and already Vincent noticed the deck was hella lacking in the search department. [color=a36209]"Honestly I just noticed it was around today so it must of been a new Archetype, anyway What deck do you play Zacharie"[/color] Vincent began curious to the Frenchman's army. Perhaps the Armada of the Frenchman something of short men and horses. [color=6ecff6]"I believe zey give me, Spellbooks, something Spellcasters and Wizards. Quite a complex deck from what I remember. Un bon livre fait pour une bonne histoire, no?"[/color] The French boy replied. It was then when the announcements begun and evidently the first round matchups had placed some strangers together. Like the Gladiators of old, two students would face each other in these arenas, although how they would be graded on performance would be up for debate. Was it about winning the duel or simply demonstrating proper technique? Winning was easy if your opponent had no idea what they were doing, but winning was also easy if your opponent could not draw in time. And of course there was the ever present fact of lady luck, who would always favour one duelist over the other. The first match began, some girl with swordmen and some guy with wizards. To which Zachaire was admittedly only paying half-attention to the battle as he cracked open his book. it was only after the pendulum summon, and the lack of an attack did he return his attention on the match. [color=6ecff6]"Pendulum Summon? So soon? Zis game is over. He will toy with her now, plus de temps à lire" [/color] Acknowledging Zacharie's archetype Vincent joined in the analysis of the Matchs that was currently taking place. [color=a36209]"Yea I agree with that. The guys already won, all he' doing now is putting on a good show."[/color] Though the girl had a strong start it quickly became nothing. Like a short wick... It burns down. [color=6ecff6]"la capacité de surextermination, remind me not to get on his bad side." [/color]It was a bit much, he already had victory, why pursue an even more grandiose way of humiliating your opponent? For better placement? No this duel was over, and hardly a fair match from a first turn pendulum summon. [color=a36209]"The fact the guy has dragons and also Used a Xyz monster to win, obviously shows that he has too much potential to cause a landslide victory. So Ill duly note that"[/color] Vincent nodded in agreement to Zacharie's words. The duel ended as expected with the boy winning by a straight landslide. [color=6ecff6]"Ta petite amie, is up, and some strangely dress boy."[/color] The next duel was with that girl Vincent sat next to, and another guy. At which, seemed to drag on forever and made Zacharie quickly lose interest in duel monsters for the moment as neither seemed to budge or commit themselves to a finishing move. It was swarm and spam vs stun and run. A flock of black birds and a series of fiendish ghouls. Oh nice it was Ethel. The girl with the short dress... Short dress, shouldn't really fall over in that short dress... Vincent snapped out of that line of thinking quickly. Of course he was routing for the blue haired one. At one point he almost yelled... almost. Didn't want to embarrass himself the first day after all. But noting that Ethel focused on Raid-raptors was a good idea. The other guy Ninja whomever was it, Ran ghostricks so that was also worth noting. But neither the less the match seemed to drag on way long then it should have. In the end The ninja one and Ethel lost. With that long match over, the first rounds were completed. Next up were two girls, one who Zacharie saw earlier, or was it a guy he saw? Either way, she looked familiar. This match was slightly more entertaining to observe, yet, also rather one sided. And ended poorly with another surrender rather than lifepoint loss. [color=6ecff6]"Vincent, mon ami, they who surrender early, do you think the judges think highly of this? Or do they believe ze student knows when ze duel is over?"[/color] [color=a36209]"I say that they believe the Student knows"[/color] Vincent said bored slightly by the rather straight landslide loss. He wondered who was gonna be coming up soon. Probably him but who was his opponent. The next duel was with some overly-bottled angst, against a much calmer opponent. Archfiends against wind-ups. Toys and demented chess pieces? Certainly some sort of theme here, of games within games. Chess and toys... What the bloody hell was the game sometimes, what next Gaint demented Fluffy Toys Vs Unstoppable gods of ancient Egypt. Hopefully not. [color=6ecff6]"Tres aggressive play, no? Should be quicker than the last ones. Sometimes I wonder why boys like him take this game too seriously, a game should be fun and enjoyable, not filled with this...foutaise. Excusez mon français, as the English expression goes." [/color] The next duel at this point, was.. Their duel. As Zacharie looked a bit surprised as he glanced at Vincent, now his opponent. [color=6ecff6]"Well, mon ami, fortune maîtresse nous a jumelés, let us give them a good show, no?"[/color] As he gave his friend a nod, win or lose, here at least he made a friend and not a rival. Contented in that knowledge, Zacharie closed his book after marking his place and moved to his own place in the arena, opposite to Vincent. Vincent Glanced back at his french Friend. Obviously fate is an ass and nothing more. But Zacharie was now the Opponant, not the enemy but a wall to climb. Not a Obstacle but a method to prove one's self. [color=a36209]"I guess we should get going Zacharie"[/color] Vincent said obviously slightly pleased at How Fate happened. Vincent walked down to the his side of the arena. [/hider] [Hider=The Duel, The Strong minded Intellect vs The Chaos Ambassador] To begin with all things, of all things, this simple and innocent act. The gleaming glint of steel, no silver, no whatever it was they made these coins with, physical coins mind you which was quite odd in tandem with these duel disk, fluttered in the air. The sound of a clink, and caught upon the back of the hand of the proctor and hidden away as Vincent called the wager heads. It was not that Zacharie was not quite the betting man, despite his usually timid and reserved demeanor, but rather he was out bid by Vincent's enthusiasm (which seemed to border bloodlust which seemed to glow faintly in Vincent's Iris's) for the battle to begin. But fate had something different in mind, the wheel turned, and chaos caught within the spokes. And the coin revealed, by the proctor like a ledgerdermain of old, Tails. And so the choice was not Vincent's as the proctor turned to hear Zacharie's decision. [color=6ecff6]"s'il vous plaît aller premier ami, After you please."[/color] Vincent nodded sincerely at the inclusion to go first on his side of a battle field that seemed way to small for the mini clash of titans that would take place. Dueling was once considered a sacred thing in Egypt and with all that history going into the modern world, titans clashing was kind of the first thing you would expect going into this game, but you could get a little semblance of your opponent's deck from their personality, Zacharie seemed to exude intellect so he was probably playing with a archetype that present intelligence, Yet Vincent didn't need to go through a analysis process because Zacharie already gave it away. It was Spellbooks and oh boy was this gonna be fun. Vincent activated his duel disk which burst into life with a satisfying sound and motioned for Zacharie to do the same. His movements obviously suggesting a less calm side to his personality, his life points clocked up to 4000 as he placed his deck inside to be automatically shuffled, then he carefully drew his first five cards. mulling over each one individually, He certainly knew what he was gonna try and do, but nobody lets you steamroll their face, so it was time to get to the down and dirty and actually get his hands messy. This was hardly the event Vincent thought it was to Zacharie, he would rather be reading a good book, perhaps picking up on his scene from Goethe. Regardless of this, with a calm and collected notion, he activated his duel disk, letting the automated shuffler run through his deck before he drew his five cards, one at a time, and looked at what he had to deal with as the plots began to thicken. Certainly not going to be a quick duel, not at any rate since neither of them seemed to have drawn all five pieces of Exodia. So it looks like they were going to have to do this the old-fashioned way. Vincent : 4000 LP, 5 cards, 0 Mon, 0 S/T Zacharie: 4000 LP, 5 cards, 0 Mon, 0 S/T [color=a36209]"Since you had offered me the pleasure of taking the first turn"[/color] Vincent said a slight glint in his eyes, probably from all the excitement most definitely, [color=a36209]"I set one Monster face down"[/color] Vincent started, as a large hologram of a card appeared in front of him with its back facing up and what ever was underneath was hidden to the eye, like a serpent waiting to strike down the Achilles that may run past to attack its master. It was like setting a defense that nobody knew about but Vincent was not done with his opening. [color=a36209]"I also set two cards face down and, then I shall allow you to take your time with your turn"[/color] Vincent said he ended his turn Vincent : 4000 LP, 3 cards, 1 Mon, 2 S/T Zacharie: 4000 LP, 5 cards, 0 Mon, 0 S/T [color=6ecff6]"Merci, I draw."[/color] Without the flashy arrogance of your usual duelist who may, for some reason or other, place two fingers upon their deck and pull out their next card during their draw phase as if hooking a prize marlin from open ocean with a dramatic flair of pulling their entire arm back off to the side and pretty much flashing every spectator the colour of the card drawn suggesting what it was they just drew: Zacharie drew his next card. It was a simple act to add a card to one's hand, and there was no need to over do it. This was a duel, not a runway for models. [color=6ecff6]"I set these two facedown and pass."[/color] Two images appeared of holographic cards within the arena, one horizontally configured in the monster zone, the other set back directly behind waiting in the back row. It appeared neither were going to be too bold in their match, much to the disappointment of the viewers. Vincent : 4000 LP, 3 cards, 1 Mon, 2 S/T Zacharie: 4000 LP, 4 cards, 1 Mon, 1 S/T Neither of them was gonna be attacking. Good. Vincent could savor this duel. Bon appetit and he really would enjoy the Fight. But he was getting distracted, it was time to draw his next card, it was time to tread the pass of fate. Vincent drew his card, not extravagantly but you could tell he was interested in what it was when he stared at it as he moved it lightly into his hand. He could try and be fancy right then and there but he might as well bind his time for a better use of his cards. With a sad look on his face at the disappointment of the turn that could of been so great if fate had just been a little kinder but alas, Fate is always heartless [color=a36209]"I got nothing, Your turn"[/color] Vincent finished Vincent : 4000 LP, 4 cards, 1 Mon, 2 S/T Zacharie: 4000 LP, 4 cards, 1 Mon, 1 S/T Nothing? Seriously nothing? Neutrality was not a way to win this game, although it was a method of survival. [color=6ecff6]"Rien, Mon Ami? Zen I draw."[/color] And once again the wheel favours Zacharie as his eyes saw his newest draw. All in good time however, as he smiled at Vincent. [color=6ecff6]"I flip, Royal Magical Library!"[/color] And at those words the field changed, the facedown monster disappearing as the holographic projector summoned forth the visualization of a library which now surrounded Zacharie's monster zones with shelves upon shelves of books. [color=6ecff6]"Now I play: Terraforming!"[/color] A spell played from his hand, the card he just drew which may settle this duel or not. Depending on the wheel of course. The first librarian appeared in the library, standing upon some sort of magically floating lift as the spell allowed Zacharie to add a field spell to hand. There really was no need to explain cards, hopefully not as the proctor should explain what the cards do instead of having everyone tell their opponents what a card does while using the effect. And since Vincent had no response, Zacharie proceeded to retrieve his chosen field spell: The Grand Spellbook Tower as the image was displayed briefly to Vincent and disappeared when the card was added to his hand. [color=6ecff6]"Now, I activate, Spellbook of Secrets."[/color] Another card to pull and search for, this time adding his chosen card: Spellbook of Wisdom as the second librarian appeared. [color=6ecff6]"Mon ami, I activate my facedown, Pitch-Black Power Stone!"[/color] The backrow turned itself into a black orb, an orb as dark as the infinite abyss and vastness of space yet filled with the arcane powers of the magus as it resonated with power from its inner triangular crest and the third Librarian appeared as the first corner of the triangle faded into the void. [color=6ecff6]"Trois, I use Magical Library to draw another card!" [/color] Not quite as good of a draw as the last one, but still useful enough for him to proceed with his plan. [color=6ecff6]"Prepare yourself Mon Ami, I reveal three Spellbooks! La Maison, Wisdom, and Eternity! Come Juna, High Priestess of Prophecy"[/color] And from the upper floor of the royal magical library, did a beautiful lady in white appear, her hair pink and clothing rather revealing for the age group of kids playing. Then again it was just virtual skin right? And yet a few of the boys in the audience ogled her hologram a bit as she came down like a goddess from the skies with her magnificence. [color=a36209]"HOLD IT"[/color] Vincent said as he watched the High priestess come out a blazing, He was literally going to Throw the book at her. Ironic really considering his counter to that card [color=6ecff6]"Yes, Mon Ami?"[/color] A rather awkward moment occurred where the entire play stopped in mid-play. [color=a36209]"I Activate The Book of Moon"[/color] Vincent Said as one of his face down cards flipped face up revealing a card with a book on its cover emphasing the moon. but what was truly great about the card was the versatility. [color=6ecff6]"Vincent, Mon Ami, I did not think you would recommend me such a book! Ce serait avec plaisir to read it. But I 'ave my own book to read you see... Spellbook of Wisdom! I declare Spells!"[/color] And book met book. The book of moon Appeared on Vincent's said of the field and was quite literally Lobbed at the high priestess's. And as a counter due to the mechanics of speedspells and quickplay cards, Spellbook of Wisdom flung itself from the shelves of the magical library in defense of the priestess, which despite its name, was a scroll rather than a book which unfurled itself and wrapped around her body to protect her from the book projectile as a nulling field fizzled out Vincent's spell. To which another librarian appeared from the magical library and placed it upon its shelf. Vincent was kinda heartbroken by this but no matter, Priestess could only hit one of his cards, he would be safe for now, but he could feel her glare as if she was going to rip him to shreds [color=6ecff6]"Now, La Maison!"[/color] The field spell finally played, as the library was now... within a library and tower as the field erected itself to match the Duel tower stretching infinitely to the sky. And the third Librarian now appeared, allowing another draw. [color=6ecff6]"I draw,"[/color] again not quite the card he wanted but, useful enough in certain situations. [color=6ecff6]"Juna, s'il vous plait, eliminate le backrow."[/color] with vindication and a nod, drawing power from the spellbook of secrets, which was banished now from the grave, the white maiden blasted a purging spell at his opponent's backrow. [color=6ecff6]"I summon, Alchemist of Black Spells!"[/color] As though to stand in opposite the ravishing lady in white, a mysterious man dressed in blacked appeared, holding a tome sealed with the same image emblazoned as the black orb which sat in the library. [color=6ecff6]"I am sorry Mon Ami, but I may have touche."[/color] Entering the battle phase, Zacharie gave the priestess a nod which signaled the attack on Vincent's facedown monster. Vincents face down card Flipped Face up revealing, Lux. A young angelic girl whom was just sitting playing her harp before some annoying pink haired Priestess Strolled right the fudge over and proceeded to obliterate them. [color=a36209]"Lux's Effect causes me to discard the top card of my deck, and the card I discard is"[/color] Vincent said with a pause as he flipped over the top card of his deck. [color=a36209]"Necro Gardna"[/color] Vincent said with a surprised grin as the warrior was lured by Lux into the afterlife. Very lucky Vincent was to have discarded that card, which was of more use in the grave then on the field. [color=a36209]"Continue"[/color] Vincent said. [color=6ecff6]"Nicolas, attack."[/color] Why Vincent even bothered to explain card effects during the duel was beyond him. No one could cheat here and get away with it, cards did stuff and the proctors knew what they did. The only target there Vincent now as the black mage came to attack, sourcing his power into the floating black orb within his other hand has he read the mystical incantation, blasting the boy with a gout of black magical flames. 1200 points of direct damage as the counter did its thing and made the noises of lifepoint subtraction. The battlephase was over and now the mainphase 2 began. [color=6ecff6]"Spellbook of eternity, return secrets."[/color] Zacharie swapped his cards and added his secrets back from the banished zone. Adding another counter on the library before. "Empower the stone Nicolas." To which the Monster turned into defense mode and set a counter upon the power stone. [color=6ecff6]"I end with a facedown, your move Mon Ami, forgive me if it was..."[/color] Vincent : 2800 LP, 4 cards, 0 Mon, 0 S/T 4 cards in grave Zacharie: 4000 LP, 4 cards, 3 Mon, 1 S/T 3 Cards in grave "My turn thank you" Vincent said rather flabbergasted due to the terrible condition he had been put into In only one turn [color=a36209]"I guess I will draw"[/color] Vincent as he drew what might just be his final card. Except it wasn't. "My ass has been saved. But am I just leaving the frying pan and entering the fire as they say. No matter," Vincent said as he began a chant [color=a36209]"I banish One Necro Gardna and One Chaos Emissary, Lux from my graveyard. Bone turns to ash and blood turns to memories. Birth forth from Chaos!"[/color] Vincent said as he summoned his monster. whom walked out of a hole in the wall. or was it space time. In one hand he held all of darkness and destruction that magic could muster and in the other he held the light of sanctity and good will. His name. [color=a36209]"Chaos Sorcerer"[/color] Vincent finished [color=6ecff6]"Spellbook of Fate."[/color] Zacharie interrupted. A flash of brilliance appeared as a book flew from the shelves towards the newly summoned Sorcerer and darkness enshrouded the other mage into obscurity, leaving the sorcerer facedown in defense mode. [color=6ecff6]"I am sorry Mon Ami, but I cannot have your sorcerer touch Juna."[/color] Zacharie frowned a bit as the Priestess smiled at him. And they said duel spirits were myths. [color=a36209]"My fate is to die by the looks of it"[/color] Vincent said as he held up his arms in a gesture of surrender but he was gonna keep going. perhaps he could win but then again he just used one of his decks trump cards. [color=a36209]"I submit, you win"[/color] Vincent said Hanging his head in shame. [color=6ecff6]"Vincent Mon Ami, you still have life-points! There is no victory for moi yet!"[/color] Zacharie protested and looked at the proctor for a descion, his opponent did submit but this felt rather bad and awkward for their friendship. [color=6ecff6]"Monsieur, tell me you will not accept zis?"[/color] [color=a36209]"Actually my french friend, it is. I have no counter to-"[/color] Vincent gestures at the High priestess whom gives him a glare. [color=a36209]"That."[/color] he says with a slightly annoyed Sigh As if in response the girl in white gave a wink at Vincent, suggestively lifting a finger from her book and waggling her finger as if to remind him that he really had no answer to her. Next turn after all, would have been a disastrous use of the field. Obviously the issue here was simple hand advantage. Which Vincent could not compete with the speed of Spellbooks. [color=6ecff6]"Zen I guess, zis is game..."[/color] Zacharie sighed as the holograms disappeared and the game was completed. While the holograms was disappearing Vincent noticed the annoyed look of his Chaos Sorcerer peaking out from under his set down card, The sorcerer was obviously kinda pissed at being shut down by The Legendary Spell book of Fate, A card that was BARELY worthy of defeating the Sorcerer . No matter he would get his time to shine one day. Leather and all, And it will finally Show the true swag of Chaos to the world. But for now he will settle with resting. [/hider] [hider=Post duel] [color=6ecff6]"A good match, perhaps you will return ze favour to me and win the next one." [/color]Zacharie smiled at Vincent and offered his friend a handshake. not with the duel disk hand mind you, no that would be awkward and clunky. [color=6ecff6]"I got lucky zis all."[/color] [color=a36209]"Even If I lose the next one, it would be fun to fight you again Zacharie"[/color] Vincent responded smiling a smile of goodwill as he accepted the handshake with his free arm which luckily was the opposite one to Zacharie's avoiding the needless clunkyness of shaking with dual disks. [color=a36209]"I wonder why our cards showed more flavor then everyone else. Guess it just depends on who uses what cards"[/color] Vincent said [/hider] [hider=TL:DR] >Vincent Lost to a Danm High Priestess due to a bad hand [/hider]