[hider=Mickey Keahi] [h3][u][b]Basic Information[/b][/u][/h3] [b]Name:[/b] [indent]Mickey Keahi[/indent] [b]Age:[/b] [indent]19, going on 7.[/indent] [b]Gender:[/b] [indent]Male.[/indent] [b]Appearance & Attire:[/b] [indent][img]http://i.imgur.com/Q1I031P.jpg[/img] Mickey is a large, relatively heavy set man in his late teens. He sports medium length dark brown hair, some growth on his chin, and equally brown eyes. Due to his Hawaiian heritage he has a rather tan complexion and smooth skin. Because he is the combination of a neckbeard and a beach bum, he must look that part. He has enough sense not to wear a fedora out in the open (although in his home is another story), instead he often wears clothing similarly to that in the picture above. HOWEVER, due to REASONS, he has been relocated to god damn Alaska. This has lead to him dressing like he's camping out in the South pole. He is READY. He has a square face with a wide nose and the typical asian slanted eyes. Mickey, if he was composed of regular hooman material, would weigh in at about 270~ lbs. In reality he's well over three hundred. At 6'3, he's just a pretty big dude in general. Fuck you guys I'll describe his appearance more if I need to. Also, Maxx is bae.[/indent] [b]Skills/Talents:[/b] [indent]Mickey is the type of guy who will point a nerf gun at you and say "Freeze, I'm here to steal your heart." and he's also the type of person to pull it off. He is the perfect combination of dork and fun to be around. A genuinely nice guy- despite being a little weird for all intensive purposes. He's just... good at making friends and keeping friends. Mickey's also pretty good with tools of just about any kind- the dude's pretty gifted intelligence wise even if he doesnt show it. But most of all Mickey is excellent at beer pong and other party games. He's got a lot of party tricks that he can use that will honestly blow your mind. He's also an excellent cook. Like, surprisingly good.[/indent] [b]Brief Backstory:[/b] [indent]Mickey was born in Hawaii, and lived there for most of his life being raised by his dad, as his mother passed away not long after he was born. Because there arent really any good academies and Mickey was invited to 218 on Scholarship due to academic integrity, Mickey has ended up in Alaska, and is adusting to his new life in a very cool climate.[/indent] [h3][u][b]Power Information[/b][/u][/h3] [b]Power Class:[/b] [INDENT]Super System - Biological[/INDENT] [b]Power:[/b] [indent]You know what's really great about Mickey? He's not just cartoon in name alone. He's cartoon in power as well. He's basically made of Flubber - with properties of an insulator to boot. Like a combination of Monkey D. Luffy, Mr. Fantastic, and Jake the Dog. His body can warp and shape into several different shapes and forms, stretch incredible distances, and take the form of it's container. If you hit his face with a frying pan his face would be shaped like a frying pan for a few seconds before reforming. Because of this he has a form of pseudo-regeneration in that if he is injured or loses a body part he can make every middle aged woman jealous with a weight loss program that cuts weight and replaces his missing body part almost instantaneously. Because he is rubber-like as well, if you hit him in the right position the amount of force you hit him with can be redirected back into you. Kinda like a massive rubber band. Mickey's body, if you cut pieces off, is actually a blue jellow-y solution that changes color to match human skin tones. He doesnt actually NEED to wear clothes and he doesn't because of this ability to change shape and form on a pretty damn complex scale. When this liquid solution is seperated from itself, it seeks itself out to rejoin. Mickey's combined intelligence manifests in a way completely different to his own in that every cell of his body is part of his super organism that works in perfect syncroism with the other cells. This is why it's able to move on it's own and communicate with other cells despite not being directly connected. Much like an Octopus' arm, each of his limbs have minds of their own and while he might not be in direct control of his arm when it's fifty feet away, it's still going to do exactly what Mickey would do. Which is probably either still attempting to punch you or doing some strange card trick. Mickey can also stretch himself, and his limbs, to an absurd degree. This motherfucker can [url=http://i0.wp.com/www.dimepackage.me/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/jordanspacejam.png]out dunk Space Jam Lebron James[/url] without breaking a sweat. I'm talking bitch slapping people from sixty or seventy feet away. Being fat in Mickey's world is awesome. On one hand he can literally eat and digest anything to temporarily add to his mass. On the other hand all the weight he gains can be used to create larger constructs of his own body. He can turn his hand into a fucking hammer if he wants to. The only issue is, these constructs often need to be dense af in order to really hurt and he needs to be strong as hell in order to use them effectively- so most of the added mass he gains goes to density and strength. Because he can eat and digest nearly everything adding this mass isn't super hard. If he eats enough he can achieve what he refers to as [b]MAXIMUM MICKEY[/b] which, in other words, is enough Mickey to fill up a swimming pool. This [b]MAXIMUM MICKEY[/b] can also be used to create a gigantic fucking version of himself. I'm talking over twenty thousand gallons of MICKEY. You can imagine how big [b]MAXIMUM MICKEY[/b] is. I'm talking anywhere from twenty to thirty feet tall. And if he's not feeling like being a giant dude, he can be MANY normal sized dudes! Or he could be the obligatory tentacle monster. It's really up to how he's feeling that day. Because Mickey has no true 'form' per say, he can completely change his appearance to mimic that of... anyone else's. It's pretty nifty. His mass isn't even an issue if they're below his size or weight. He can condense his mass into a smaller volume. He can even sound like them! This ability also grants him the ability to change color and texture at will and camouflage into his surroundings by pretending to be various every day objects such as but not limited to- trees, rocks, chain link fences, etc. [/indent] [b]Limits:[/b] [indent]His body's biggest weaknesses is that any part of him that's stretched out is especially vulnerable to being torn off or cut when stretched out- because the mass is thinner. Regarding his strength, the farther he stretches, the harder it is for him to apply force. If he hit you from twenty feet it'd hurt a lot more than it would a fifty. General stuff like that. He's not superhumanly strong unless he wants to be. Mickey also cannot straight up eat anything that is thrown his way. He has to be [i]bigger[/i] than that object. So he can't just run up to the ground and eat enough to become [b]MAXIMUM MICKEY[/b] at will. That can take a lot of buildup.[/indent] [b]Weaknesses/Drawbacks:[/b] [indent]He is also unable to adapt to any new forms of ranged attack that are not electrically based. And some energy based attacks are especially effective against him. Now, let me explain. Mickey is a living energy well. He is like, toasty warm at all times because of this. Being cold, is actually harder on him because it forces him to use up more energy to remain mobile. He CAN be frozed solid and thawed out and be perfectly fine, but in the middle of Alaska, cold + cold = immobile Mickey if he's dealing with someone who is a cryomancer. Fire and energy based attacks are almost meaningless to a certain point. As Mickey consumes more and more mass, he produces more and more heat as he gets larger and larger. Because his body is technically a liquid, it can actually [i]evaporate[/i]. This is how Mickey sheds off unnecessary mass that is consumed and forces him back to his homeostatic form from being a fucking giant. Fire and energy based attacks (That aren't electricity, he IS an insulator) can actually harm him by raising his body temperature and not only force shrinking him to a regular size or below, but can also turn him into a god damn gas if they can get the place hot enough. Once he cools down he will precipitate. So honestly the best way to deal with him is to freeze him and put him in storage somewhere if he hasn't run the fuck away already. Mickey's not exactly a warrior, man.[/indent] [h3][u][b]Relationships[/b][/u][/h3] [b]Family:[/b] [INDENT]He got a dad, yo.[/INDENT] [b]Dynamics:[/b] [indent]None yet! [b] {Character Name} [/b] | [b] {Impression (Good/Bad/Neutral} [/b] | [b] {Relationship (Friend, Rival, Crush, etc)}[/b] | {Character Thoughts via in-character quote} |[/indent] [h3][u][b]Other[/b][/u][/h3] [list][*][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HJT2QOpnYb8]It's Flubber![/url] [/list][/hider]