[quote=@Willy Vereb] Which reminds me that my initial idea was to have literal horsemen companies with their most notable skill being able to shoot with their AK-47s back at their chasers while in retreat. "[i]Lord save us from the Kalashnikovs of the Hungarians.[/i]" :lol [/quote] My idea is to have a horde that has absolutely no idea what the concept of "safety standards" and sometimes logic. Don't get them wrong, they make good stuff its just that for some stuff they couldn't give less of a shit about. Have plenty of land mines but no grenades? Just throw the land mines or put the land mines on very long sticks and poke the enemies with it. Have a tank that could blow its crew up it you shoot it with a rifle? Good, it gives the crew the intensive to drive faster and not die. Need a stealthy car? Color it neon hot pink because no one has even seen a hot neon pick jeep rolling around on the steps. As you can see, flawless logic. Fucking flawless. I dare you to try and come up with something more tactically sound that m8 :lol