Teddy rolled his eyes away from Ken and they landed on another girl who was standing up, and walking towards... himself? He was shrugged it off, certain she was just weaving through the awkward table pattern and would soon be hanging a left or a right once her path was cleared. Then she was right next to him, [color=a187be]"Hi, mind if I join you guys?"[/color] she said. He nearly did a double-take, what was this girl, a junior or senior (hell, she could even pass for a student teacher), doing asking to sit with him and his table of 6th and 7th graders? Nevertheless, he saw no reason to be rude. [color=00a99d]"Uh, sure,"[/color] he said, standing up and stretching out his hand, [color=00a99d]"My name's Teddy. You probably don't want to get to know these no-accounts, but this is Sarah, Edith, Andrew, Harry, and Toby."[/color] He gestured to each of the kids at his table, respectively. [@ramblingbard]