Oh also, just because I'll probably never get to use it, here's my Blue Beetle sample post from the sheet I finished up before Sloth dropped Booster. [hider=Bwah-hah-hah!~] [i][b]Ooh!~ K. O. R. D. THAT SPELLS KORD!~[/b][/i] [i]"Hiya there folks! It's me again, Ted Kord, CEO of the Kord Omni-Research and Design Corporation, the company where the Kord family cares so much, we put our name in twice! Now don't get me wrong everybody, I love a well-cooked meal, but you know what my problem with kitchens is today? They're just not nearly what the 21st century promised us they'd be! Don't you want an oven that can use automated thermal imaging technology to make sure your roast is never overdone? What about a refrigerator that has advanced cryogenics to the point where freezer-burn is a thing of a distant past? Of course, no future kitchen would be complete without a Kordtech brand Lazztoaster, the toaster that harnesses the power of laser-beam technology to toast [b]your[/b] toast as soon as it slices! 'Now Ted' many consumers may be thinking 'Isn't giving civilians access to cryogenic freezing technology and miniature laser beams dangerous?' and to that I say to you that I would never sell my beloved consumers anything I don't use myself! All of these products are 100% Ted-tested and Ted-approved! So keep your eye out for them coming soon at your local KORDMart, your one-stop shop for all KORD Corp products! Until then, seeya around!" KORD Corporation, Working towards a better future: today! [/i] [b]*click*[/b] Ted sighed from his hospital bed as the KORD Corporation logo faded from the screen on the opposite side of the room. Even his own cheery mug and the futuristic kitchen product-line he had planned couldn't cheer the scientist-turned-CEO-turned-vigilante today. Oh sure, Booster assured him that even though they'd be a niche market now they'd expand out to common technology that would better the lives of people on a planet-wide scale in their own small way, but it didn't change what was going on now. The JLI's fight against Doomsday had landed him in a two-day coma he had just now been lucky enough to pull out of, but he'd awoken to a world where Superman, the Big Blue Boy Scout himself, was forever gone. The Man of Tomorrow had represented so much hope in the world, and besides that he'd been just...[i]such[/i] a nice guy. He'd never mocked Ted or underestimated him, called him a second-string Batman just because he chose not to be [i]'ooh, so dark and spooookyyyy~'[/i] in order to fight criminals like some others in the superhero community...but now he was gone. Oh, for sure Ted hadn't given up hope. [b]He[/b] knew he was fine even if the doctors insisted on keeping him here for observation. Plus even now his 'baby bug' drones were sweeping the initial crash site, sweeping the site of the battle with the JLI, sweeping the areas where Superman and Doomsday had fought and fell, searching with every type of scanner he could jam into their tiny automated bodies for clues. Clues he would probably send to the Caped Crusader himself so they could work on analysis together as soon as the data was properly compiled. His little way of continuing Superman's never-ending battle even from a hospital bed, but still... He glanced over to his little bedside table whereupon rested a grease-stained bag with a yellow sticky-note attached. It was the first thing he noticed when he'd gotten out of the coma and read simply: [i]Dear B.B., Bet you'll be hungry when you wake up Get Well Soon, Booster.[/i] He'd been admitted to the emergency room as Blue Beetle, no time for the others to figure out how to remove his biometrics-locked costume, fortunate its' own systems had kept him alive. Apparently Booster had stayed with him nearly the whole time he was out, talking, joking doing little things, only being pulled away by the staff once they insisted he had abused visiting hours long enough. That itself wasn't right, Booster was family dammit! or as close to family as Ted Kord had these days. Still, Ted unwrapped the Big Belly Burger and 'nommed into the fluffy bun and greasy meatblob beneath with delight. Booster knew him so well. Well, mainly Booster knew that he was a stress eater with an addiction to Big Belly Burger. But how exactly was he supposed to maintain an olympic-level of athleticism when his best buddy sneaked fast-food into his hospital room through abuse of the time-stream anyways? and- [b]*bang*[/b] -a gunshot in the hospital? Well, maybe he'd be getting some exercise after all! Before he could even unhook the monitoring equipment though a team of armed gunmen burst into the room. Well, from the way they were screaming and pointing their weaponry at him it was clear this was an assassination attempt on a 'helpless' Blue Beetle. Ted glanced around for anything he could use to defend himself before becoming bleu-swiss-cheese'd, only to notice a distinctly blue object sitting in the bottom of the Big Belly Burger bag in his lap. Booster really [b]did[/b] know him well. "Now listen here, Blue Bugboy, you're gonna die today for the way you been messin' with the Chicago Outfit all these years and-" [color=blue]"I'm sorry what was that? I couldn't hear what you said over the sound of everyone vomiting!"[/color] "What? we ain't vomi-" Ted drew his B.B. Gun from the paper bag in a blur and fired a strange, strobing pulse of light in the general direction of the gunmen. Instantly they were blinded, stunned and nauseous. Ted had custom designed the little 'pistol' to not only blind enemies, but assault their optic nerves with various disorienting patterns that could among other things send instant disorientation and nausea straight to the brain. As predicted a chorus of dropped guns and retching soon filled the room as Ted unhooked the medical equipment strapped to him and stood, careful to avoid puddles of puke and kick over the occasional mobster as he strode over to the window and called up his airship, The Bug. [color=blue]"Boy, you fellas don't look so good! In fact, I think maybe you guys got a [b]stomach bug[/b]! Good thing you're already in the hospital! BWAH-HAH-HAH-HAH!~"[/color] Ted opened the window as The Bug dropped a line down from above, then swung out into the night. Enough lying in bed. The Man of Tomorrow was gone, but Blue Beetle still had a better future to build. Right after he swung The Bug by to pick up a few more Big Belly Burgers. Waking up from a coma to save the world built an appetite. [/hider]